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Your greatest idea

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Joined: 12/31/1969

I'm just curious to hear what has been your greatest board/card game idea so far?


Joined: 12/31/1969
Your greatest idea

Well, great ideas sometimes make for lousy games, and vice versa.

The basic ideas for "Gheos" came to me quickly, and haven't really changed much since the game's inception. However, moulding those few ideas into a great, well-balanced and fun game took a lot of time and playtesting.

For "Liar!" it was almost the opposite. The first ideas for the game were actually very mundane and boring, but by peeling off all unnecesarry layers of chrome and adding one unique twist I managed to turn it into a fun game.

I think the bottomline is that great ideas are cheap and easy to come by, but you still have to work hard at making the idea work.

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Your greatest idea

Edison's adage that "genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" is still true. I reckon that out of every 10 interesting ideas I have for a game, 5 of them are jettisoned simply by writing them up in a coherent fashion*, 4 of them make it to a basic solo alpha playtest and the remaining 1 survives to a group playtest. And of them, maybe about half are actively pursued...
(*mind you, that doesn't mean the idea is never seen again; it often hangs around pestering me until I eventually use it somewhere else.)

My think my greatest idea was for a game called "Celebrity Funerals". The concept was that players would be PR agents trying to get their clients the best coverage at various events (e.g. as bridesmaids or as pallbearers) without making them look too crass (e.g. eating slugs in the outback.) It gave me great scope for satirical abuse but I never got the mechanics to work to my satisfaction.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Your greatest idea

a crossbows & catapults version using dominoes.

this would have been even cooler if the dominoes had
some cool art work of medieval battle stuff to set the mood.

slam's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Your greatest idea

My greatest idea actually comes from my former business partner. And that idea is that no one is actually going to publish our games, but that it'd be far more satisfying to do it ourselves.

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