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If I choose just one war game?

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I haven

If I choose just one war game?

Tough question because you don

Joined: 08/03/2008
If I choose just one war game?

If I choose just one war game, which one should I choose? I am considering Mare Nostrum, or Axis and Allies (Europe or original). Do you have any recommendation? This is not for just play, but also study wargame mechanics.

Hey, why not go all out? I

If I choose just one war game?

Thanks for the answers. :-)

I should say I am looking for "one night, pseudo wargame". What I want is a game that can be played 2~3 hours. Also I am looking for war+something from the game. I think that war is not just battle. So game should have something more than just battle. For example, diplomacy.

I think that Mare Nostrum is well matched what I want. But if you have any other recommendation, please let me know.

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
If I choose just one war game?

Yes, Mare Nostrum probably does fit the bill, although I wouldn

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