So my opoly style board game is coming along, and I've been seriously thinking about the number of games I want to produce its a city game, so only people in one particular city will buy it. At the beginning I had 1,500 copies in mind, but when I have talked to manufacturers, and gone over the numbers my only real profit will come from 3,500 copies. Am I crazy to go through with making so many copies? since I read 20 Things to do with 3,500 Games it hasn’t exactly put my mind at ease either: .
any suggestions out there? go with 3,500 or play it safe but not really make a profit
thank you all,
Aaron l
Also, you need to consider your methods of distribution. Are you using established channels of distribution? A company? Are you doing all the leg work and making the contacts and pushing the product yourself? 3,500 games is a lot to sell, especially if you have to find stores willing to buy them, stock those stores and track your receivables.
How big is your company? Is this your first/only game? Do you already have established contacts? Either way you will have to stay vigilant to sell them all.
I'd be interested to hear from some game store owners about how manygames they typically buy (both mediocre and well-selling games) at a time. It may be that you will be able to sell only a few at a time. And even then, if you're not using a distributor, you may have to settle for consignment in some stores.
The answer to your question depends on your finances (are you paying for everything yourself, do you have a bank loan that must be repaid, are you borrowing from friends/relatives), your tolerance for risk (can you or your friends/relatives afford to lose most of the money you spend on getting your game produced?), and your desire to get your game out there. You will need to have the business sense and the unbridled drive to do whatever it takes to see your game sold.
Best of luck!! Please let us know how it goes (I for one love to hear about any member's game that gets published).