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advertising and promoting your game

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Joined: 12/31/1969

Has anyone experienced any successful ways of advertising and promoting their game that doesn't have to break the bank? I have heard that donating some to your local radio stations, school fundraisers and advertising in the the new business start up section of the newspaper are some cheap ways but this is all locally. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get your game out there "Everywhere"?

Thank Again


advertising and promoting your game

Talk to local game stores or even malls and see if they're interested in having an author event where you come and demo your game and sign copies (if anyone should ask).

Joined: 12/31/1969
advertising and promoting your game

The first group of people you should be donating copies to are Internet reviewers. Lots of websites and magazines regularly review games, and it seems like the biggest factor in deciding what they will review is who gives them a copy.

Not all of these people will review your games, but I've definitely found it to be the most cost-efficient way of getting the word out.


Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
advertising and promoting your game

Well I am not sure what your budget might be, but you could always consider advertising at one of the bigger conventions. A place like GenCON will offer a ton of exposure, though ads in their event program are not cheap.

Another place to consider is Games Quarterly, if your game is ready to be sold. Games Quarterly offers a method to list your company and games it produces in their quarterly catalog. They also just started a magazine, which might offer other options, but I dont know much about that, yet....

Ah, they even have a free issue current on there site, here is the link, seems like they have some interesting articles in the free issue, The article "What's in a Rule?" was a good read, as was "Steps to a Great Store Demo" by Steve Jackson!

Joined: 12/31/1969
advertising and promoting your game

Some excellent advice so far! I am now a member of Games Quarterly thank alot Zzzzz. They have some pretty interesting info.

Also, Chad, how do I find these internet reviewers, do you know any off hand?

Thanks SiskNY, this is similar to an author event, signing books. Good plan.

Thanks alot for all of your input!


Joined: 12/31/1969
advertising and promoting your game

Lee wrote:
Also, Chad, how do I find these internet reviewers, do you know any off hand?

Most of the major gaming sites --,, etc., have links to their reviewers. Tom Vasel is a highly prolific and respected game reviewer. You can also approach gaming magazines about reviews, although they do fewer and are thus more likely to say "no".

Good luck!

advertising and promoting your game

At the geek you can get a list of their reviewers by number of reviews. That would be a great place to start. Many reviewers on BGG cross post their reviews on other sites, too!

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