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How do you get listed in Games 100?

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Joined: 12/31/1969

How does the process of entering games for "Games 100" work? Do you have to send the game to them directly? Is it only for published games? Is it only for games published that particular year?

Any more information would be nice. Thanks in advance.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: How do you get listed in Games 100?

hpox wrote:
How does the process of entering games for "Games 100" work? Do you have to send the game to them directly? Is it only for published games? Is it only for games published that particular year?

Disclaimer: Tthe below is just my understanding, rather than a definitive answer. For a real answer, I'd email John McCallion (Kevin Maroney also could probably answer your question).

My understanding is that yes, you have to send the game to them directly. It is definitely only for published games. And it is definitely _not_ exclusively for games published that particular year. (Among other things, games appear on the list in multiple years.)


Joined: 08/11/2008
How do you get listed in Games 100?

I think that GAMES Magazine only accepts games that are ready-to-be published or are already published. However, I think the word "published" can be somewhat loose. I know that my good pal Jim Doherty started out with a desktop published version of self-laminated and self-cut version of Who Stole Ed's Pants, and sent it in to John McCallion, and won the runner-up of the family card game for that year.

See Publishing Pants from The Games Journal from a couple years ago. You might find it helpful.

Personally, I sent a free copy of my game to JJMc at GAMES, with a nice cover letter asking him to do a review. That seemed to do the trick. I sent mine in at the beginning of August, and I think I just made the deadline. I think they probably choose the GAMES 100 in about July or August or so, so I think it may help to get it in during June or July (so it's fresh in their heads ;-) ).

Best wishes,
Scott S.

Joined: 12/31/1969
How do you get listed in Games 100?

Thanks for the tips.

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