Reposted from a PM to Brykovian, per his suggestion:
This is my first time as a competing participant in the GDS, so I don't feel too bad over having not noticed this it stands, there is a strong disincentive for entrants to vote. I understand the desire to stop entrants from inflating their own scores at others' expense, but as it stands I feel like I have to choose between feeling selfish or stupid. Would you be willing to consider an alternative?
I have a few specific proposals in mind, but it's probably best to open the issue to public discussion, and we can go from there assuming anyone else actually cares. ^_^
For this round, I'd want to change the system as little as possible, if at all, as people are already in the process of voting. Perhaps something as simple as an automatic 5 pts to your own entry for voting (or equivalently, a 5 point penalty for not doing so?) Since most of the voters are also entrants, this probably won't make that much difference, but I'd feel better. I certainly understand if people are reluctant to 'change the rules in the middle of the game', so to speak.
In the long run, though, I'd also like to resolve some of the concerns expressed by people not wanting to distinguish unfairly between entries they judged of similar quality. Giving each voter as many points as there are games they may vote on, and letting them distribute them to their liking, is much more flexible, but carries an increased risk of AP ^_^, while not really solving the disincentive problem in itself.
Alternatively, each 'voter' could simply rate each entry from 1-5, including their own, but without being allowed to rate yours higher than ALL other games (no net gain for yourself). By adding to their own, they're not intrinsically taking away from anyone else...but that comes with its own set of issues.
As for administration, if anyone wants to use a more complicated formula, I'd be happy to set up an OpenOffice spreadsheet to just plug the votes into, if that would simplify things. (open to inspection, of course...^_^)