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Balancing money in money making games

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I have played a monopoly-style game yesterday ("Condomania") and I found that at the beginning of the game, you have a lot of money, but when all your properties are bought, the money income is low and what you pay and receive from cards is low too, which makes them have little influence on the game.

So I was wondering, do you have some guide lines to follow to make sure you can control the money flow of the game. From what I can see, it can be influenced by many factors.

- Do you want the quantity of money in circulation to increase, stabilise, or reduce with the evolution of the game?

- Do you want to have player illimination? Else the player with the highest amount of money wins after a certain limit in the game.

For the technique on balancing the game :

- Buying properties will revome cash in circulation.

- There can be a secure income to inject money in the game( like for example the 200$ when you pass go in monopoly).

- Totalise the income an stuff to pay on special cards, make sure there is more income or more payment according to the balance you want.

Do you have other idea, suggestion or comments?

Joined: 11/26/2011
Balancing money in money making games

If the bank is a money pit during the game you have to make a choice.

Either give everyone a salary ($200 for passing go, end of turn cash, end of round cash, die roll cash) or you make the "economic depression" a factor in the game.


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