Maybe this has been asked before, so please forgive me (I'm new and there are so many pages to go through to find something like this), but I was wondering if maybe somewhere online there is a place that sort of has a brief or indepth explanation of all sorts of different card game mechanics (whether your standard deck of cards, or games like Magic: the Gathering, etc.). The Final Fantasy game I'm working on is going to be using a card system to enhance the play and make things a little more than your typical hack and slash wander around the board type thing and I'm sort of stuck on ideas. Hopefully a website like I mentioned would just sort of spark some thoughts.
Thanks for any help anyone can give.
Yes, it is Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing, he pilots Wing Zero and Wing Zero Custom for most of it, and Gundam Epyon for a short while :P.
Well I've played Magic the Gathering, so I'm very familiar with that, and briefly played Pokemon and YuGiOh. I think the difference for my idea is that all the cards are just attacks, items, and equipment, there aren't any creatures or anything. All the cards just act as sort of abilities or upgrades to your character. It's sort of an RPG in a way...
I've been wanting to play that Gundam Wing Card Game for the longest time. I think they finally brought it to the US in english last year, but I'm not sure. It's been long enough lol.
Thanks guys for the posts. I'm probably going to go do a little research on all those games and see if I can't find any examples of play to see if new ideas spark. Right now, I've come up with a few mechanics, such as every card has a discard value, you discard it and you get to draw more cards depending on that value. But then the cards you discard are removed from the game. When you finish using yoru cards you shuffle the used ones back into the deck and start over, leaving hte removed cards out, when you've shuffled twice and used all your cards, you have no more cards to use. The games would take a while and card drawing would go pretty fast I think, but this is just an untested idea for one mechanic of it...anywho.