After playing some card/board games in my life, including M:tg, Pokemon, and a little D&D, I have tried to find some similarties in the three. One of the most noticable is that there all collectable (If you count D&D minis). In the past there have been collectable card games, miniature games, and even some board games (That I must note aren't very good, and are mostly miniature games, like Pirates of the Spainsh Main). It seems that all of these games are collectable, and random, which catchs the eye of the buyer, if not considering them taking a look at it.
So, while thinking, and on a bit of sugar rush, I said "Hey! Why not make a collectable board game?"
And then I thought to myself "Oh, wait. There already are some collectable board games." Talking to myself again I said "I really don't like those collectable board games, so why not try to make my own."
I mean if you can put cards in boosters, and figures in boosters, why can't you put board game pieces in boosters?
A Booster pack could come with different parts of a board game, and different figures, all at random. The pieces of the board would be tiles that could somehow interlock with eachother, and you play with the figures on the newly made board. Packs would include enough for 2 players to play on a small board, with a small amount of figures. As you collect the packs, the board could become bigger, and more people could join the fun.
Just a thought...A very large and pretty detailed thought.
Expanding on my main topic. I have come up with a theme, relating to medieval/fantasy.
Combat: This one is just plain combat, but with some twists.
There would be 4 groups of units Archers, Knights, Dragons, and Wizards. Archers would be able to attack dragons, by being in the "lobe" position, and they are long range. Knights would be close range, but strong. Dragons would be able to attack multiple (up to three) units, If they are in a row. Last but not least Wizards could cast spells. Spells would be collected in boosters. Walls could be built to protect yourself from on-coming attacks.
There would be different terrain on the field, that either helps, or doesnt help you. Some spots would also have something on them, that helps you win the game.