I am working on a game where each player opens a small shop with hopes of (eventually) getting rich.
I have most of the mechanics worked out. One thing I can't figure out is how to decide how much they get paid from customers... I have a few ideas:
-Customer Spaces. Players move around a board, and on that board are different spaces. One type of those spaces would be customer spaces. Depending on the type of store you own, you would get a certain amount of money for each customer. This would be jotted down on a sheet and at the end of the month (every five turns) this price-rent=income. (Note: You would get the customer as long as you PASS the space, not land on, with a maximum three per turn.)(Another Note: You would get 1/2 of the money up front, and the other 1/2 at the end of the month.)
Pros: You will always get at least on customer a month (they are pretty close together).
Cons: With a set amount every customer, there isn't 100% chance that you get equal or greater then your rent a month.
-Customer Cards. As above, but instead of a set amount of money for each space landed on, the player would draw a Customer Card. Each card would represent X customers, where X is how many shops there are of the type of product the customer(s) want. A set amount of money would be on each card.
Pros: You can get custumers on other players' turns, giving you a better chance of getting equal or greater then your rent.
Cons: It is a random amount of money you would get.
-Customer Cards(2). As above, but on each card is a price with a # that goes with it. Then, players roll a dice and get paid that much (if their shop goes with the type of product the customer wants).
Pros: Players may get more money per customer.
Cons: Players may get less money per customer.
If you have any other ideas, please share them. Thanks in advance.