I had an idea for one of the games I'm doing. (The fantasy RPG)
Each player will be given a set number of dice to use per turn. These dice are used for: · Movement
· Combat (Offensive Roles and Defencive Rolls)
· Accuracy (The Chance of hitting)
· Dodging (Avoiding)
· Defence
· Magic
· Abilities
· Actions
Each character will have a set maximum number of dice that a play may use of each item in the above list. e.g. If a player has 6 rolls the may move once with 2 dice. Attack with 2 dice (One for attack and one for accuracy), Cast a spell with one die and move again with the final die.
Any dice used for defense may not be used in the following turn.
Movement. A character will have a set number of dice they may roll for movement. This may be affected by terrain, Character status or Character Equipment (including Mounts). The character may move up to the number of squares show by the die. However is a character performs an action (Including spells, combat, abilities, actions) of if the character triggers a trap they lose the remainder of there movement points. A character may move again if they have enough dice remaining.
Combat involves the following steps.
1. The attacker rolls a die or dice for attack. This value is then added to the attackers Attack score
2. The attacker then rolls a die or dice for accuracy. This value is then added to the attackers Accuracy Value
3. The defender then rolls a die or dice for Dodging. This is then added to the Defenders Dodging Value. (This is not counted towards the following turns dice total)
4. If the Dodging Value is higher than the accuracy value then the attack has missed their target.
5. If the accuracy rating is higher then the Dodging Value then the attack has hit.
6. If the Accuracy Value was more than Double the Defenders dodge value then the attack has scored a critical hit. (The exact nature of this will depend on race and class e.g. a critical hit on a character from one of the avian races may mean them losing flight until they are healed)
7. The Damage the received by the defender equals Attack - Defense (Scores of -1 or lower are rounded up to 0) You may not attack the same character the same way twice in one turn (e.g.. Ranged, Magic, Ability, melee)
I don't know if this has been done before and I know that there is a problem that if a person uses all thier dice for defence then they would get trapped. tell me what you think.
I agree that would be cool.
Something like give everyone 8 d6
they could use 2 for each, to be balanced.
Or possibly all 8 for just one.
Give everyone 4 dice cups with lables and shake them together at the same time then flip them over, or flip one cup at a time. By the second cup flip you'd pretty well know what their stratagey was.