I'm trying to create a fantasy WW2 naval game which will use a map of the entire world. However I need a map that I can easily enlarge some countries (like Britian and Japan) while shriking others (Like South America). Has anyone come across a good map that I might be able to us?
Game maps
I think that you'll probably have to create a custom map for yourself if it involves fiddling with the ratios of things.
(I never realized before how strange the word ratios looks when you type it out. Ratios. Weird. )
Aaanyway, if you are making a playable prototype for early testing, then I would concentrate on getting the sizes of things how you want them and not worry too much about the actual look of things... yet.
Try this.
Here's a world map I made for you. It's very pale grey outlines on a white background. Print out a few and mess around with the sizes you want. When you're happy, maybe I can help you transform it into a format that you can continue to work with.
Good luck, let me know if this helps you,
If you want to make a NAVAL warfare game, you do not need the parts of the map where there is too much land. So maybe a map of the atlantic and the pacific would be just fine. It will allow you to make the coutires bigger on your map, and so make the strategy more interesting.
For the pacific map, a map like PTO should be OK. Which mean australia to bering, india to US coast.
For the atlantic map, US coast to african coast, iceland to the tip of south america.
That's very close to what I was looking for. Something that I could adjust easily without all of the names all over the place. Thanks.