Here a some basics for a game thats been kicking around for a while now let me know what you think
The follow is a list of the basics for the character and squad system
Name (Characters Name And Version)
Role (Role)
Rank (Rank and Cost)
PS (Primary Speciality)
SS (Secondary Speciality)
Speed (How many squares a character can move)
Armour (How much body armour they have)
Camoflage ( How close does an enemy have to be to spot them)
Anti Infantry & Range
Anti Armour & Range (Lockon Yes/No)
Anti Air & Range (Lockon Yes/no)
Melee (Used for melee attack and defence)
Skills (Special abilities)
Light 1 hit = wounded. 2 hits = Dead
Medium 1 hit = Wounded, 3 hits = Dead
Heavy 2 hits = Wounded, 4 hits = Dead
Attack and speed stats are halved for wounded troops
6 or less characters pluss any vehicles and equipment.
Speed = slowest speed
Camoflague = lowest camoflague rating for the terain which the squad is on.
SightRange = the highest sight range of any member of the squad
Each Vehicle must be manned by a driver if the vehicle is to move. Troops must also be assigned to fire weapons.
Equipment will alter a characters stats.
FIELD WEAPONS (Mortars, artillery)
Must be transported. Must be manned by troops
Troops may not attack normaly if they are manning any of the above
This is just a very early basic rul set.
It is open to change and I'm looking forward to any feedback anyone has
Basic rules
1. A squad can not attack an enemy squad unless it can see the enemy
2. Only the Squad members that are within range may attack the enemy.
3. Each member of each squad is given a number from 1-6.
4. For each member of you squad roll one die. The number on the die indicates the member of the opposing squad you hit.
5. For each attack roll one die for accuracy. The defender also rols one die for dodging. If the Accuracy roll is greater or equal to the dodging roll then the defender has been hit. This hit is recorded on the character sheet.
6. this is repeated for each member of the squad that is in range
This is the basis for the movement system any feed back would be greatly appresiated
Each player rolls 1,2,3 or 4 dice (Will depend on map size)
The number rolled represents the number of moves a player can make in there turn.
Each of the following actions is worth one point
Moving a squad.
Crew mounting a vehicle
Crew deploying equipment
Crew disembarking from a vehicle
Using equipment or any payment ability
When all movement points are used it is the other players turn
the number of squares a squad can move is equal to the speed of its slowest member
No this is not to be played with the actual toys. Second the characters for this game will be mainly based on the comics (Particularly the most Devils Due series that just finished). I have planned to include Serpentor as the cobra equivelent of General Colton (Rank O-10, not good in combat but gives a huge recruitment and strategic benefit). The others you mentioned would be left out at this stage but if someone could come up with a good way to include them then they will be put in.
As well as getting to play as cobra if you have more than 2 players some one can play as either Cobra La/The Coil, Destro's Forces, or The Dreadnoks this would represent the in fighting that has occured. This is supported in the comic series (See The Return of Serpentor TPB Available from Devils due for a prime example).
for the most part I will be completely ignoring the TV show and in particular the movie. However this could change based on feedback