Sorry for the lame English.
The game:
70 square tiles in four different colors (red,blue,green,yellow)
These are randomly put together to form a really colorful chess-like gameboard.
Each player studies the gameboard and chooses a color in wich he wants to draft (red,blue,green,yellow)
The player recieves a rectangular tile in the desired color, then the next player do the same and this repeats until all players have drafted six (depending on # players) rectangular tiles in the color of their choices.
The rectangular tiles size are like this:
Height of a square tile and the width of three square tiles.
Here comes the catch:
Each rectangular tile have a combination of holes punched in them.
With a maximum of three holes, minimum of two holes.
making it four different rectangular tiles (three really, but you can flip it).
The game sequence is like this:
On your turn you try to connect a rectangular tile to the gameboard (vertikal/horisontal) , to be able to connect the tile - the colors that show in the holes of your rectangular tile must match the color of your rectangular tile.
That is - the gameboard must match your tile.
If you cant place any of your tiles then you can draft a new tile (without looking) from the bank, you exchange your useless tile and then your turn is over.
The game is over as soon as a player has placed all his six (4 player game) rectangular tiles.
As you all can see, this game is in desperate need of a theme.
The abstraction level scares even me 8O
Its fun to watch people, debating which areas of the gameboard they gotta nuke because this or that player drafted this or that colour.
Much is of course speculations because the rectangular tiles are held like playing cards and you can only see the backsides.
The thing you can see is the punched holes, then its up to you to remember which player drafted what and hope that your guessing right.
One thing that i need to say is that the tiles are drafted from bags so the players can not see the punched holes combinations.
You would be amazed of how fun my testgroups have had with this simple game.
If i could find a proper theme or setting then im sure this would be a killer.
Suggestions & comments greatly appreciated.
The bits stay, and by staying they interfere with the building plans of other players.
Could be an idea.
This morning i added a rectangular tile without any holes in it to each of the colours.
This tile fits everywhere and is the perfect "nuke" tile. :D
Thanx for your suggestions!