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Has someone here completed a playable game?

13 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/31/1969

If so, what have you done with it?

-You play it sometimes with friends?
-Put it on the internet for free download?
-Got published?
-Hope to get published and hide it from the public?

I was wondering if there was some happy ending caused by this site :)

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Has someone here completed a playable game?

The group of people that I co-develop games with have created 3 completed games.

We have attended GenCON as an exhibitor and held gaming sessions at GenCON.

We have sold(a couple hundred copies) of our RPG system, without seeking a distributor yet, along with self publishing.

We will be putting free content for the RPG online, in the near future, but currently we are having company name conflicts, so we have not put anything online yet.

We will be showing a prototype version of a new simple card game this coming GenCON. With hopes that we get some feedback from attendees. Though the audience at GenCON might not be the ideal place for this new card game.

So far we are still a small 4 person(plus a ton outside help from friend/family) company, still taking one step at a time to put a quality product out.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Has someone here completed a playable game?

I've gone the self-publishing route ... but can't say much of anything about sales. :wink:

Did both tabletop and computer versions of a game called "Castle Danger" ... and a computer version of a chess variant called "Keeps & Moats Chess" ... and still working on new stuff.

You can get more info from my website:


Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: Has someone here completed a playable game?

dr_Edge69 wrote:
Has someone here completed a playable game?

I like to think so...

If so, what have you done with it?

-You play it sometimes with friends?
-Put it on the internet for free download?
-Got published?
-Hope to get published and hide it from the public?

All of the above, except hiding a game from the public. (FWIW, there are two of my games readily available on the internet. One's easy to find; the other I'm not certain if anyone's noticed...)

I was wondering if there was some happy ending caused by this site :)

It all depends upon what your requirements for happiness are...

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Has someone here completed a playable game?

-You play it sometimes with friends?
-Put it on the internet for free download?
Yes but only the simple ones.
-Got published?
Working hard at it.
Hope to get published and hide it from the public?
Only those games which I have not pounded the dents out of yet.

For me there is no happy ending just a happy continuing.

Joined: 10/16/2008

If you poke around the forum a bit, you'll find a good number of published designers. To see what I've done, take a look at

There's commercial stuff, a couple of javascript games, and a page of very simple "free" games.

Re: Has someone here completed a playable game?

dr_Edge69 wrote:
-You play it sometimes with friends?

Usually only during playtesting. My gaming time is so rare and precious, and my inventory of unplayed (or underplayed) games is so large that I would hate to spend that time on my designs.

dr_Edge69 wrote:
-Put it on the internet for free download?

A couple of my designs (contest entries Robo Battle Pigs and House of Doors) have ended up on my website.

dr_Edge69 wrote:
-Hope to get published and hide it from the public?

I've got a couple like that too. Actually, these are the ones that are still in active development. I'll probably put them on the site once they're finished, even while I look for a publisher.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: Has someone here completed a playable game?

I have a couple of games that I regard as complete.

dr_Edge69 wrote:
-You play it sometimes with friends?

I bring them both out at parties. I get asked to bring them to other people's parties. I have friends who have asked to take them on vacation with them.

dr_Edge69 wrote:

-Got published? -Hope to get published?

I haven't gotten them published yet, but I am actively working on it. Until they are published, it's not entirely fair for me to say they are complete. If a publisher wants me to make changes, I'm enough of a whore, that I probably will.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Has someone here completed a playable game?

I'm working on a game right now that's perfectly playable, but not complete. It's going to be a print-it-yourself download thing, but it's not free. I've made a few sales of the 'advance' version, and I'm going to start advertising as soon as it's finished. So far it's gotten a good response, despite it not being finished. Looking forward to tidying everything up and finally having the complete version. It's been in the works for over six months now, though there was a large break in development time due to other priorities.

Joined: 04/23/2013

OldScratch wrote:
I'm working on a game right now that's perfectly playable, but not complete. It's going to be a print-it-yourself download thing, but it's not free. I've made a few sales of the 'advance' version....

If you get this business model to work, let me know how you did it. I can't honestly see any way you can make very much money from it. The only benefit I see is little to no out of pocket expenses for you. Without a tangible product, I don't see how your sales will be good.

Please prove me wrong though.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Has someone here completed a playable game?

Yeah I'm still wondering how that will do myself. I know it'll bring a few sales, since I've already sold some. Once the game's completed, though, the online store will have printed and mounted game pieces (everything you'd need) for sale, so if you're not into the whole printing thing, you can purchase all of the pieces (separately or in packages, so if you don't need the standup figures, you don't have to buy them).

The only thing invested into the game is time, and a lot of it. It's been kind of a hobby writing this game, but as of late, trying to get everything solid, it's been more like work. It's cost me nothing to make the game aside from time, so really any money I make is profit.

There's a huge following for the genre I'm working with, and I've made it a game that has more options and ways of playing than any other out there, which I hope will get people to notice it.

With enough advertising and making online Flash demos (thankfully another thing I can do very well myself so I don't have to pay anyone), it will generate enough interest. We'll see though.

I definitely plan on keeping you guys on this forum updated on how the game does. If it does reasonably well, it may be another venue for startup designers to try. I appreciate your honesty on the issue, Darke, but I also hope to prove you wrong. :) It's really a venture into the unknown with me, so really it's good that i'm not spending any money making the game.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Has someone here completed a playable game?

The games I have completed have only been enjoyed by family and friends.

Has someone here completed a playable game?

I've been sitting on a completed board game for about 7 years now. I haven't pulled it out to play in about 4 years.

I say "completed", but it's not. Well, maybe it is...kinda:

I have all the elements completed, but the game is somewhat abstract in concept. I wanted to come up with a theme for the game, but nothing ever really fit. So, I had a fun board game with no "mass-appeal" theme that's just rotting away in storage.

A couple of months ago, I was struck with a theme to apply to the game. So now, I have to dig out all the game elements and redesign them around the new theme.


Has someone here completed a playable game?

A couple of years ago I designed a war game between two teams (it was largely related to the popular Command and Conquer franchise), but I threw the idea out when I tried to make a board because I am artistically challenged (Picasso, I am not). About a year after throwing it out i redesigned it thinking I could do better this time, and I did, making tons of new units and movement options, but when it came time to make the board I threw the idea out again, thus ending my story about my war game.

About 5 months ago I began designing abstract puzzle games for my graphing calculator because that's the one thing I can program. After making several games I came up with the idea for a board game playable for 4 players (and I'll stop right there since it should be on GDW in a week I think). I don't think this one will go much farther than friends and family's game tables, but here's to hoping =)

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