How much arithmetic is it reasonable to expect players to do in a game. The answer certainly depends on how often players are ask to do the arithmetic - math is more okay in a once a game event like final scoring than in an event that occurs every turn.
I think this a good topic for general deiscussion, but I'll throw out a specific example based on an early draft of an idea I'm playing with:
On each turn, the players plays a cards valued from one to three into one of two piles. After playing a card, I want players to find the sum in each pile, then multiply the sums and add or remove cards based on the product. The products would never get larger than 36 or so. Is that too much math to do every turn?
Thanks for your thoughts.
The -only- pitfall I see, assuming your audience can multiply up to 6x6, is that the cards must be counted from piles.
Is there an easier way of knowing the number of cards in each pile at a glance?