Hi All,
I'm making a game called Juggernaut. It's a customizable, non-collectible card game that I intend to release under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. (To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/.)
I've submitted an entry for Juggernaut to the Downloads section of the BGDF. I've also made a "pre-release" PDF of the rules and cards (64KB) available at:
*EDITED - The URL changed*
Here's my vision for Juggernaut: My intent is to make Juggernaut the Invisible City Game of the Month for May or June of 2006. That means that in one or two months you'll be able to download a free copy of the core rules and cards, print out as many cards as you want to, build a deck, and play with another person who's done the same thing. After playing a few times, you may want to make up new cards (following "official" guidelines), add them to your deck, and play some more. (You may need to tell your opponents that you're playing with non-core cards before the game starts.) Once they've seen your new cards in action, other players can "certify" your cards as "fair" (and might make copies of them for their own decks) or offer constructive feedback to help you make the cards better. Similarly, you might have cards played against you (made by your opponent) that you think are cool and make copies of them for your deck or offer feedback to make those cards better.
What I'm asking from y'all: If you have the time, I'd like you to download the PDF, read it over, and provide feedback. If you have a chance to actually *play* the game, that's even better. I'm especially interested to know if you've seen any games that use similar grid layout mechanics with random die selection and combat. I'm not aware of any quite like this, but I don't know the mechanics of every game ever made (Who does?).
Best Regards,
- Jonathan
The Juggernaut files were downloaded quite a few times, but i (sadly) didn't get any feedback on them. I figure that's due in part to the difficulty in creating an initial deck for a game that's unusual and unfamiliar. So... I've made new starting files up.
attacker deck.pdf: This is a 44-card Juggernauts deck that's attack-oriented. Remember to remove 4 cards before you play with it.
core deck.pdf: This is a 44-card Juggernauts deck that's defense-oriented. Remember to remove 4 cards before you play with it.
defender deck.pdf: This is a 20-card "core" deck that's designed to have 20 cards added to it.
You'll still want to grab the juggernaut rules and cards.pdf so you know how to play and have extra cards to customize with.
- Jonathan