I've been racking my brains with this for a while, and can't come up with anything, so here's a mini-contest. No prizes will be awarded. Just kudos:
Try and come up with an interesting board game based on "The Christmas Carol". And it better involve ghosts!!! So Jacob Marley, esq from Cheapass Games doesn't count.
Here goes:
Players are "Ghosts of Christmas" that must convince Scrooge to participate in various Christmas-y activities as he goes about his day. Scrooge moves along a track through the town, and depending on where he is, players can trigger events (Memories, Visions, etc.) which raise his Christmas Spirit. When Scrooge reaches certain points in the town if his Christmas Spirit is above a certain point, Scrooge may participate in an activity (Buying Gifts, Singing Carols, etc.) which gives points to Ghost who raised his Spirit above that level.. Basically the strategy is to raise his spirit above the level at the last moment. A blind bidding mechanic would be used at each juncture, and you would want to raise his spirit just enough for you to get the points on the next turn, but not so high that you give the points to another player. "Bidding" would take place sequentially, so that I place my card face down, the next player places his face down, and so on until back to me. I then flip my card over, raise the Spirit, and place another card face down.
(Maybe players could choose NOT to reveal their bid and simply add another card for the next go-round?)
Anyway, this was just a quick idea. I kind of like that "bidding" in advance mechanic... maybe I'll use it elsewhere.