As a math major I have found that I have a warped view on what kind of math complicates a game too much.
It seems that a lot of the games that I develop require too much calculation, or mathematical/ logical ideas to be fun. I have people comment that it is to complicated.
On a card game I have been deveoping lately I thought I was staying simple, until I tryed to describe some of the game mechanics. Now I need to find out what to get rid of.
So far I have found that most people don't do subtraction automatically, so if I have too many differences of numbers it becomes frusterating. I have also discovered to avoid division, and multipling by numbers bigger than ten. I am also pretty sure calculus is out as well.
What is too much for a game? What are good ways to get around some of the equations?
I had this problem with a space conquest type game I made a while back. It met with great success in testing and everyone loved it. BUT... when battles started getting larger, the combat started to bog down a bit. Especially later in the game after some "upgrades" had been purchased...
Did you hit became: roll dice, add bonuses for weapon upgrades, add bonuses for any enahcement cards you played this round, subtract the armor value for the ship you are attacking, subtract penalties due to any opponent's cards he is playing, check the to-hit value required on the grid based on attacking ship type vs defending ship type...
While it definitely made for a more detailed battle and added more strategy for different ships and allowed upgrades to your ship types... It started creating 15 minute single battles between fleets while the entire rest of the game moved along at a pretty good pace. I ended up reworking the entire combat system to have a fixed to-hit value and very little "combat math". Now the combat still takes the greatest amount of time during the game, but it flows better from the other phases into and out of combat than it did before. I no longer have half of my players leave the table for snack and bathroom breaks when someone begins a combat phase with a reasonable sized fleet.