I was thinking about trying to make a card driven quick to play war game. For this game I would try to include all sorts of ancient and medieval unit types, and I am wondering if you guys oculd help me compile a list from what I have already...
scottish highlanders
roman legions
maceadonian phalanx
viking axemen
greek hophiltes
English Longbowmen
Mongol mounted archers
english heavy knights
saracin raiders
moorish calvary
indian elephants
carthaginian elephants
War Machines
greek fire
battering ram
tower on wheels
Right now I am just trying to compile a list of unit types. As of yet I have no idea how the game will be made. but I ma thinking each unit will have different values, range combat value, speed, shield value, and melee combat value. Then I might look for various battles and set them up as scenarios of all types, open field, broken field, sieges. In addition to this it might be cool to have the game be played where players could mix eras and unit types and have super armies fight against each other.
What sort of chronological span are you looking for? Your initial list is quite braod in what it covers.