I am currently working on a stratagy game that takes place on a grid (Dimensions haven't been chosen yet. Although for this particular one I am thinking 11x19)
My pieces will be moving around on this grid, and was wondering, what can I do to use a grid in its fullness. What can I do to make a game less one-dimensional. Do obstacles really make much of a difference unless they cover most of the board?
I was also wondering how much my mechanic of orthogonal movement using 2 movement points, and diagonal movement using 3 movement points (This should be close enough to the real ratio of 1 to the sqrt(2).)
I am thinking of my average speed units to have a speed of 6 or 7, so I think the obstacles could be a factor. I am just wondering if flying units (can go over obstacles on board, just can't land on them) have much of an advantage.
If there aren't obstacles (or they don't have much effect on the game), or no distinguishing characteristics of the board, I don't see how moving left & right would matter much.
I have Advance Wars 1 & 2. I also have other grid-tactics games as well, so I probably have borrowed some ideas for my board game from those games.