Hey, people. I registered for the BGDF almost a moth ago, I think. I love this place. I am 100% serious: I was overjoyed and I felt something I dont feel very often. Anyways, I think I'm just gonna get to the point. I have an idea I plan on fleshing out sometime in the near future, and an RPG site in desperate need of an assistant manager.
The first is best compared to d&d, but i plan on making the rules as different as possible, so in no way am I copying their game design. It is similar because it uses a party of characters (any amount, but more than one makes the game far more enjoyable) and a game master. The game can be played as a continuous storyline, but will most likely not be designed with that purpose in mind. It is intended for short one-shot stories. At the beginning of each adventure you choose your class and customize your character. As the characters proceed, they dont really gain levels the traditional way. They only gain levels in skills, not an overall level. The skills they gain experience in is dependent on what they do most. This allows characters to specialize their characters as they proceed. The players are to co-operate to achieve whatever goal is set for them in the designing of the adventure. If a player dies, they are sent to the "hell" or "heaven" board, based on their actions so far (the GM will most likely arbitrate this, or perhaps a system where players are awarded either dark or light points based on their character's reactions in certain situations). Oh, and another thing that differentiates this from d&d is that its more like traditional board games, with paths rather than free roaming. There should be alot of various ways to travel, but on paths (as opposed to the grid). Thats all i have at the moment, i suppose i'll work on it a bit and put more up soon. Please leave feedback, good or bad.
Okay, and also - I need an assistant manager for my RPG. Ive noticed alot of these online RPGs based on animes that take place on forums have crap battle engines, so i decided to start my own, and I'm pretty proud of it. It was up for a while, then died cuz i had no internet. Now that i got the net, I started it up again, and it was doing well. But since i stopped posting alot to guide them, they've stopped. So I need an assistaant manager, preferably (but not necessarily) one familiar with the Naruto anime, who will be very active. I've been really busy lately, but I dont want members to start leaving again, so I need to keep it going, so please respond ASAP, or tell some friends about it. Please, just help.
Sorry, I realized afterwards that I didnt make everything as clear as I should have. Also, I thought a bit about the game today and I have added on and/or changed a slight bit.
First of all, it is an RPG board game, but not like d&d. It is more like a regular board game than that, because (as previously stated) there will be paths to follow, not just an open grid. There will be many paths to choose from, though, allowing for variety. And I would also lke to note now, that the each game session will be fairly long, perhaps somewhere around 3-5 hours, if not longer. Most of the time, it really depends on how the game master designs the board.
Okay, now to revisions. I think I will design the game to use the whole "competitive co-operation" that has been all the rage on this site recently, rather than the party idea. If players like, they can create alliances and such, but the winners are only the person/group that achieves the goal first, which will usually result in co-operatn between many players.
Thats all im gonna put for now, ill put more up after, or i might start one of those journal thingies, but I dont know how exactly they work.