The recent discussion about the combat game kindled my interest in trying to formulate a new “combat” mechanic for a head-to-head fighting-style game. My main interest is going beyond the “dice-off” model, because I feel that this is too abstract. However, I also don’t want to go to a model that is fully detailed with 6 different stats, table lookups, complicated fiddly rules, etc. Such would probably improve the “simulation”, but at the expense of playability.
Combatant model
My “solution” would model the combatants in this way. Each has 3 “stats” – Power, Speed, and Energy. Power represents the ability to inflict damage (or to resist the infliction of damage): how forcefully can you swing the axe? How much of a blow can you withstand with your shield? Speed is kind of an amalgamation of quickness and agility; how rapidly can you thrust the trident? Can you move your shield into place in time to deflect the blow.
The idea is that each fighter gets, initially, a set of markers corresponding to his base stats. So, if I’m Power 4/Speed 3, I’d get 4 Power markers and 3 Speed markers. These markers set the number of Speed and Power tokens that you will get, and the tokens are used to actually pay for combat actions, which will probably be card-driven. So, for example, maybe there’s a card that says “Lunge Attack: Pay 2 Power tokens”.
Now, here’s where Energy comes in. You pay one Energy token to replenish your token supply up to the level indicated by the number of markers you have in the Speed and Power categories.
Why, you ask, use 2 different kinds of counters? The reason is this: “damage” will (I think) affect the number of Power or Speed markers you have. So, taking a good whack in the leg will damage your speed ability for the rest of the battle, and this is modeled by reducing the level to which your token supply can be refilled.
What this is trying to do is get beyond the abstraction of “damage” being this abstract thing that really only has two states: still standing (i.e., having a greater-than-zero number of hit points), or defeated. This model allows damage to be inflicted in a way that directly reduces your combat abilities. And my system also gives the idea of a “fatigue” model where, since you can only replenish your token supply so many times, there’s a finite duration to how long you can fight before you collapse in exhaustion.
So this explains how I’m modeling the combatants themselves. There’s one element I have left out, and that’s the possibility of “magic” abilities. Were I to include this (and I don’t think it would be that bad), I wouldn’t include a “Magic” attribute, but rather an attribute of Serenity. The idea being that to use “magic” attacks, you have to be calm in the midst of the battle. Serenity would also be nice for simulating that combatants fight differently depending on how mad they are; some thrive on this, some get careless, etc. So, my “two-attribute model” may extend to three attributes.
Combat model
The preceding explained how I’m modeling the combatants themselves, but I haven’t specified how combat actually occurs. Curiously, I think that the above system has a lot of flexibility to accommodate a variety of different combat models. The one I’m thinking of would be card-driven, but I suspect there could also be a miniatures-and-cards version that could work off of a similar model.
But here’s a rough sketch of some of the concepts in the combat model I’m looking at. As I mentioned above, I think that the idea will be that you have cards corresponding to maneuvers you can perform, and each has some costs associated and some possible outcomes. So, the “lunge attack” may require you to pay two Speed tokens. Perhaps you can also pay Speed tokens to accelerate the attack, and power tokens to throw some weight behind it. Then, the defender would try to respond; he’d have to spend Speed tokens to attempt to divert the attack, and/or Power tokens to mount a defense. (Probably, there would be defense cards as well as attack cards; in fact, I’m envisioning that each card would have an Attack on one side and a Defense on the other, so you flip your cards over depending on whether you’re attacking or defending). Then there would probably be a couple of possible outcomes; if the attack hits, it probably does something to the Defender, possibly costing him tokens. Some attacks will have the ability to inflict “Wounds”, and this would cost the player markers, thus inhibiting his overall attack. Some really powerful attacks might sap Energy tokens, which would be bad because losing those reduces your ability to replenish your supply of Power and Speed tokens.
I haven’t fleshed out the specifics of how “hit success” is resolved; is it just a matter of raw comparison of how many Power tokens are “bid”? Or will there be some die rolling? (e.g., roll as many dice as the Power rating of your attack) It also might be necessary to introduce some more complexity in terms of whether the cards simply attack the other players "stats", or whether they're actually "positional" (ie, a kick to the head vs. a body-blow). There are still some details to work out with this aspect of the system.
But, how to decide who’s attacking and who’s defending? There’s one final attribute that I haven’t mentioned yet, but that will figure prominently into the combat, and that I’m calling Momentum. This isn’t an inherent stat, but rather, it is accumulated (and lost) during the combat through various actions, with the idea that at any given time, the player with the most “momentum” takes an attacking action, and the other player may try to respond with a defensive action. What I’m trying to get at is a model that realistically accounts for the fact that decisions of what maneuver to perform at a given time aren’t made simultaneously, but are made in an action/reaction scheme. It also aims to get beyond the simplicity of “I attack, then you attack”; if I hit you and it knocks you off balance, you aren’t going to get to respond; I’m going to hit you again.
This model has the potential for a runaway issue, and I need to work that out, but I think that there will be sufficient flexibility in the model to give players a chance to regain momentum. For example, if you deflect a lunging blow, it leaves the other player off-balance and you can then regain some momentum. Just a simple example, but you get the idea.
Now, I haven’t specified a thematic context for the game yet, and I claim that this is one of the strengths of this model; I could see it working for a gladiator game, or a knight vs a dragon, or two Ninja warriors dueling. The details of the warriors would be inherent to the cards themselves, and this is another cool aspect; players could expand the game simply by making their own cards (this is one of the great things about games like Star Wars Epic Duels, where fans have vastly expanded the game by whipping up card decks for characters not included in the original game).
I welcome any comments or reactions to this model. I don't think I've seen anything similar elsewhere, but I could be mistaken. I don't claim that it's earth-shatteringly great, but I do think it has a lot of flexibility, and that, despite being pretty simple, has a good balance between abstraction and simulation.
Thanks for slogging through this somewhat long post!
Hey Jeff,
Well to support the old adage that there's nothing new under the sun - yup, there are similar ideas out there - but thats not a bad thing.
I've seen one or two home brew systems that use aspects of what you've described.
Heck I've used a similar forumla with two tabletop miniatures games I've built. I used action sequences where the unit uses energy or other tokens to get away from the 'you shoot then I shoot' paradigm.
In my superhero game (Tabletop Titans) I used this mechanic with an Energy token to allow any actions, use or powers etc.
I also used something similar in a robot card game (Trash Wars) where combat was done using drawn cards with random values but the players could bid energy tokens on their own card to increase its value or even have others add tokens to assist in combat.
I think you're on a good track though so keep at it.
Its really high time that more games appear that get away from the choreographed combat situation and the ever growing tables of statistics for reference.
Take a look if you want at those games I mention or my Action Combat system at my web link. Maybe they can give you some insight to what I did and that can help you on to either avoid any of my errors (I'm far from perfect) or even give you new ideas to help coalesce your own design.