I had picked up a copy of Brian Tinsman's The Game Inventor's Guidebook. In the foreword it says:
"This book is really just for one person, but I'm not sure who it is yet.
In 1984 Trivial Pursuit shocked the industry by selling 20 million copies and defining the new category of adult party games. Dungeons & Dragons started the fantasy roleplaying game category with its breakout success in 1980. In 1993 Magic: the Gathering created a category called trading card games, destroying all sales records and becoming one of the best-selling games in the world in a few short years. Today the game world is due for the next category-defining blockbuster product. The idea if probably out there right now. If you're the lucky person destined to create it, this book is for you."
Although I may not be the person he is talking about, and I may only be 13, but I think I have come up with a basic idea for a game category. I trust everybody here and I don't really care if my idea gets stolen (this post will always exist to prove that I thought of it first, anyway :-)), so I will share my idea with you all.
I read through some of the games in this book, including M:tG, Mage Knight, and D&D. What do all of these games have in common? They are collectable (If you count D&D minis). In the past there have been collectable card games, miniature games, and even collectable dice game (I believe that is what Dragon Dice is, am I right? At least to some extent?) I have even witnessed WizKids (www.wizkidsgames.com) create a Collectable, Constructable Strategy Game. It seems that all of these games are collectable, random, and that is what catches the eye of the buyer, if not at least makes them consider looking at it.
So, while thinking, and on a bit of a sugar rush, I was joking around, keeping in mind the Foreword in The Game Inventor's Guidebook, I said to myself, "Hey! Why not make a Collectable Board Game!"
And then I thought to myself... "Hey.... Why not make a Collectable Board Game..." This time I was serious.
I mean, if you can put cards in boosters, and you can put figures in boosters, and you can put dice in boosters, and even tiny rulebooks, why not pieces of board games?
I mean, after creating a good board game, playtesting it over and over and over, until it is at the stage of sending it to publishers, add the collectable aspect. A booster could come with different parts of boards and different figures, all at random. The pieces of the board would be able to connect together somehow and use the figures to play on the board you and your opponent create from the pieces you have from the boosters.
Just a thought. ...A very large, pretty detail thought.
I think it's a great idea that hasn't really been done (that i'm aware of) exactly as you mention. Others have mentioned expandable games, but nothing where the players can really customize their playing set. The only games that immediately come to my mind are Zombies!!! and When Darkness Comes.
These (the latter mainly) are expandable with interchangeable tile pieces that may be used to create a custom and ever expanding scenario for players to play through. They talk up the expandable issue, but not really the customizable issue (though it is mentioned as a possibility for players wishing to come up with their own adventures).
I think you have a really good idea!
I think this is particularly apt. How many games have had a novel concept that has felt entirely tacked on to the detriment of the game? Proceed with caution and you may have a real winner!