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New Game Idea

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A game should have multiple main endings and multiple sub endings. Like for a main ending you should stop the destruction of an empire, and there should be multiple sub ending in stopping the destruction of an empire like you fight an evil vilen or fight your best friend. There should be at least five multiple main endings and each main ending should have about three to seven sub endigs to increase the replay value. The events in the game should be real time with the plot moving in time instead of the plot moving when you have done a quest. There should still be quest and sub quest in the game but in stead of moving the plot along it will redirect it. Each Non-Player Character should have something to do in the game instead of just being a part of the background and just giving out information. The Non-Player Character should be controlled by random event simulator, this randomly chose an event base on the computer charters stats like if there good or evil, bold or shy, nice or mane, rich or poor, and put that computer charter into a random event based on his computers stats like going off on or quest, kidnaping a princess, fighting a dragon, or going off in a killing spree.If this is done it will make the Non-Player Character seem more involved in the game and not just a part of the background. The way your character look Should also effect how the Non-Player Character will react to you. If you look like a noble the rich people will be more open to you if you look poor and act poor the rich people will be less open to you.

Joined: 12/31/1969
New Game Idea

I take it you're referring to videogames?

Joined: 12/31/1969
New Game Idea

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