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New mechanic - inspired by heated arguments

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sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

Here's a mechanic that occurred to me while discussing issues of Morality with jwarrend in another thread.

Players place their pieces on spaces adjacent to a sliding scale, then game elements move the pieces and make the scale slide...

The scale probably wraps around, and it could be pretty much anything that's got 2 sides... from Religion and morality, to political stance (this would likely be the way it would work into a game), or any other 2-sided issue.

Joined: 12/31/1969
New mechanic - inspired by heated arguments

Isn't that the function of the three tracks in jwarrend's Disciples game? There's a track for the Jews, Romans, and Pharisees, which move up and down as deed cards are played. I'm not real clear on the relationships, but the tracks can trigger game-ending conditions if you let them move too far.

Joined: 12/31/1969
New mechanic - inspired by heated arguments

I have a political game that does exactly that. Candidates slide around on several scales while the electorate effectively does the same (but more obscurely).

-- Matthew

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