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Obsessvie Compulsive Design part II

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Joined: 12/31/1969

I've been lurking for awhile and while I'm a member I havent posted anything for long time.
A while ago a post went up about OCD and whle it was a good read I felt it didn't apply to me at the time however as of reciently I've come across what might be considerd OCD in a manner but not exactly...let me explain

The game I've been developing for little more than a year (not including previous incarnations) is one whos core mechanic involves spell casting usings various runes that (occording to the backstory/theme) was handed down to the current users by ancient race (Titans). Now here comes the OCD part. To faclitate this I've undertaken the task of compling a lexicon of the (Titanic (Kitue)) language even thought I know that most of the words contained there in will not be usable in the scope of the game itself. This was brought on solely by my adherance to the theme and because just as someone else mentioned in the last OCD post "it seemed to need to be done/ didn't feel right without it"

now that the story is done pherhaps anyone has similar experiance or am I the only one or could this even be termed OCD and perhapse should fall in to the realm of "overwork".

Joined: 12/31/1969
Obsessvie Compulsive Design part II


No, that's not OC. That's actually I think a good thing to do. I'm a writer in addition to a bgd, and when writing, sometimes you come up with so much detail on your little world you're writing about, and you know not even half of it will ever appear in your book or story. However, by doing that, you yourself know all this and can bettter represent your world. I guess the same applied here. So, while it really isn't necessary to do that, and coming up with all that info is more than even I (who can be a bit OC or AR at times, very much so at times) would, and maybe it is a bit OC, but not too much. Ha, though I still find it a bit odd.

Live long and prosper, Qundar out.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Obsessvie Compulsive Design part II

Have a look here

It is about constructed languages (like what Tolkien did for Lord of the Rings) and constructed worlds. It seems you may have an interest in this hobby.

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Obsessvie Compulsive Design part II

Yes, I'll second what other people have said. Invented languages to go in an invented world is a natural by-product, not some weird obsession: ask almost any RPG games-master and they will be able to tell you so much stuff about their game world that players would never get to see, but it all helps to create an atmosphere.
(For a minor example of this, see the background notes page for the game I submitted to the Games Design Workshop last year ( - there is at least one reference to one of the several invented languages I used in that game.)

Joined: 12/31/1969
Obsessvie Compulsive Design part II

wow this is insanely useful


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