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Playing around with playing order in a card game

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Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008

Hello Peoples,

I've been playtesting my Pirate/Cannibal game (aaarrrrr...) which is gonig well but I need a better way of sorting out the player order which affects the gameflow.

2 player is fine, as you don't get much choice over who you attack, but the game should be playable from 2-6 players

The current fiddly way is that the turn starts with the First Player. The First Player then chooses a player to attack. Once that attack is done, the player who was attacked gets to choose another player that they will attack, as long as its not the player who attacked them, or a player who has already been attacked that turn. After everyone has made an attack, the turn ends, and the player to the right of the First Player becomes the new First Player for the new turn...

This kinda works ok, and means that the order is not always A>B>C as the next turn could be B>A>C so players are not attacking the same person each time. It also means that each player gets to make one attack and defends once each turn. But it is kinda fiddly in that you have to remember who the First Player is each time, and as the turns go quite fast, the First Player changes around very quickly.

There should be a simpler solution...

The framework restrictions I am designing around are -

- I don't want to make up any new cards or use cards in the determination of player order etc.
- I don't want players ganged up on, or left out of play.
- When a player gets attacked, he uses up at least one card to defend with, and may get at least one more card taken off them, so getting attacked twice in a row can be a killer. This does happen in the current game framework.

I have started soming up with some solutions while writing this (that always happens, maybe I should just write to myself...) but I would like to hear peoples thoughts on how this could work better - what are some other ways card games work, rather than just one player after the next in a set order?

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Playing around with playing order in a card game

A simple alternative (that might or might not suit your game needs) would be to get rid of the turn concept and simply keep the he-who-was-attacked-attacks-now dynamic. That doesn't guarantee that no players are left excluded, though, but eliminates the fiddleness you mentioned.

This change should be acompained by a take-a-card-after-the-attack rule which I guess you had at the end of the turn instead.

Maybe this alternative introduces more problems than it solves, I don't know.

OTOH, with the dynamic you described, another problem might araise when there are more than three palyers. Let's say you have four players. If A attacks B, then B attacks C, and then C attacks A, D is left outside of the circle, forced to attack himself, which is absurd. This can be solved by adding a rule so that the player who begun the turn can't be attacked but by the player completing the turn. Maybe you already have such a rule.

If you can keep the current mechanic, but adding a simple way to keep track of who can be attacked, how about this: each player has a two sided counter in front of him. At the begining of the turn all players place the "attackable" side up. As players are attacked, they turn the counter upside down for the remaining of the turn. That way it's quite easy to know who can be attacked and who don't.



Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: Playing around with playing order in a card game

Nestalawe wrote:
The current fiddly way is that the turn starts with the First Player. The First Player then chooses a player to attack. Once that attack is done, the player who was attacked gets to choose another player that they will attack, as long as its not the player who attacked them, or a player who has already been attacked that turn. After everyone has made an attack, the turn ends, and the player to the right of the First Player becomes the new First Player for the new turn...

Here's a pretty simple idea, but (like Seo's) might not be appropriate.

When a player attacks, he places his attack card face up in front of the person he attacked. Players are allowed to attack only players without a face-up attack card showing.

When the last attack card gets played, the last person attacked becomes the new starting attacker, all used attack cards are placed in the discard pile, and the new round begins.


seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: Playing around with playing order in a card game

Kreitler wrote:
When the last attack card gets played, the last person attacked becomes the new starting attacker, all used attack cards are placed in the discard pile, and the new round begins.

Unless you follow my suggestion, to guarantee that no one is left out of the attack round, that the last attack of the turn should be against the player who attacked in first place. ;-)

Other than that (which is obviously simple to solve), I like Kreitler's idea a lot, as it avoids the need to introduce my attack counters. It won't work if you use the played cards to keep score or something, though.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: Playing around with playing order in a card game

seo wrote:
Unless you follow my suggestion, to guarantee that no one is left out of the attack round, that the last attack of the turn should be against the player who attacked in first place. ;-)

Doh! You're right, assuming that the player who gets attacked is the next attacker. I was thinking about it a bit differently. The starting player attacks someone. Play proceeds clockwise, with each player attacking in turn. You can only attack someone who hasn't already been attacked. When the last person plays his attack card, the person attacked last in the round becomes the new starting player.

This way, no one can be left out of the circle. The order of attackers is known, but the order of defenders is (mostly) unknown.


Xaqery's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Playing around with playing order in a card game

Is this game around here somewhere in its entirety?

From the excerpt above I have a couple of problems.

Except for the first player each person in the chain is attacked and then attacks. Does this mean that the last person has to attack the first person?

What if I don’t want to attack the weak player even though he is the only one left to attack because maybe I need him to help defeat the strong?

Like Seo I really like the "who ever I attacked then gets to choose who he attacks" And the “you can’t attack the person that attacked you” is good too.

Without knowing more I want to allow the players to gang-up on the strong and or ignore the weak.

I think you should allow me to attack anyone that I want OR stop attacking and end the turn.

Also, I love game mechanics that involve what I wrongly call "The edge" (from the Jyhad TCG). It is a mechanic that shows all that one of the players are special in some way. You could have some title or status symbol that moves clockwise around the table. In Puerto Rico it’s the Governor.

So in my world attack continues until someone stops it and then “the edge” moves marking the next turn and the person that will start it.

My 2-cents

- Dwight

Joined: 12/31/1969
Playing around with playing order in a card game

seo wrote:
If A attacks B, then B attacks C, and then C attacks A, D is left outside of the circle, forced to attack himself, which is absurd. This can be solved by adding a rule so that the player who begun the turn can't be attacked but by the player completing the turn. Maybe you already have such a rule.

If I remember correctly from your game description, your idea was that the first player would have an advantage each round because they possibly could attack TWICE. For example for 4 players the attacks might go A attacks B, B attacks C, C attacks A, A attacks D. This would also leave D without an attack however, and I don't know if that was your intention.

seo wrote:

If you can keep the current mechanic, but adding a simple way to keep track of who can be attacked, how about this: each player has a two sided counter in front of him. At the begining of the turn all players place the "attackable" side up. As players are attacked, they turn the counter upside down for the remaining of the turn. That way it's quite easy to know who can be attacked and who don't.

With 5-6 players, I could see it getting confusing trying to remember who hasn't been attacked yet. Seo's solution seems to be a good one.

As for your turn order problem, why not have the last person to be attacked start the next round? The problem with this approach is that it might result in the same player starting the round multiple times in a row. However, as long as there is not an advantage in going first, this really doesn't matter so you will have to answer that question.

In the game Citadels, the same player can continue to select the King each round and therefore get the first pick. However, this is counteracted because the player HAS to pick the King to go first each time. Also, if he picks the King TOO much, the other players will get fed up and eventually assassinate him. So, if you can come up with a counterbalance for going first each round, that could be a solution.

Good Luck,

Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008
Playing around with playing order in a card game

Hey ya'll,

Thanks for all the good feedback guys.

I have just put the current rules up at -

Pirate/Cannibal card game rules

Indeed, I did have it that after had been attacked, you flipped your Pirate card over, showing that no one else could attack you. Coupled with the rule that you could not attack the player who attacked you, it seemed to work. But when actually playing, people just forget to do it, or you think 'ah nah, we'll remember' and then you end up getting a bit lost. Its one of those rules that looks good when written, but to implement feels like too much of a hassle.

One idea that I have come up with is that the defender in an attack gets to draw two cards after the attack, at the same time as the attacker draws his. This, coupled with just having players go turn by turn clockwise, attacking whoever they want, feels like it may work.

It is possible for someone to get ganged up on, but if that is the case, then they end up being able to draw more cards than they lose out on, which will strengthen their position.

Gotta dash, will write more later...



Joined: 12/31/1969
Playing around with playing order in a card game

Yummy! Pass the salt!

I like this game! The fight mechanic is solid, and I like the liar aspect.
What's wrong with ganging up on the weak pirate? Food is food, and the scurvy swabs have little honor amongst themselves. Besides, I have an idea that could help, if you didn't have that rule :) ...

At the start of each turn, each pirate simultaneously displays an attack item. In a modified rock-paper-scissors fashion, pair up the attacker/defender fights. Highest card attacks first. Here is an example:

Assume Shoot beats Slash, Slash beats Bash and Bash beats Shoot. Exception, two of a kind beats a single type.
For 2 players, best card goes first.
For 3 players, 3 of a kind is a draw. Go again.
For 3 players, a pair gangs up on the odd card.
For 3 players, 3 different types = shoot goes first, slash second, bash third
For 4 players, high two face each other using 2-player resolution. Low two face each other like-wise.
For 5 players, high two face each other, while the low three face each other. If the low three have a three of a kind, however, they get to gang up on the highest card holder only. That might be too much, so maybe just the top two from the bottom three gang up on the top card holder, while the second highest card holder can attack the lowest card holder.
For six players, have two sets of three: top three and bottom three.

All this is just to determine who attacks first. Here is the gotcha: the card used to detrmine your turn order can not be used for the fight at any time this turn!

Shooters always go first when all three types are present. Shooter cards should not go into the island pile, because bullets are expendable. (Unless I misread the island rules.)


Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008
Playing around with playing order in a card game

Challengers wrote:
Yummy! Pass the salt!

I like this game! The fight mechanic is solid, and I like the liar aspect.
What's wrong with ganging up on the weak pirate? Food is food, and the scurvy swabs have little honor amongst themselves. Besides, I have an idea that could help, if you didn't have that rule :) ...

Cheers Mitch ;)

I quite like the idea of having some sort of format as you outlined. I will do some playtesting tomorrow and try a couple of different systems based on the feedback you have all given.

The Shooting attacks will be any kindof ranged attacks, so there will be blunderbuses, flintlock pistols etc in the game as well as mundane thrown things like rusty anchors, trasure chest lid, to the more, achem, odd, such as 'Rabid Parrot Attack' (who wants to eat a rabid parrot?) and as many other strange attacks and items I can think of.

Nearly there with this part of the game, then I can get stuck into the Cannibal Attack endgame. I know I will need to get onto that soon, because every time I have playtested and someone gets killed, everyone is keen to check out all the body parts and have the chance to use them ;)

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