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Power Struggles

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Joined: 12/31/1969


I'm creating a boardgame where each players control one part of the power of an aciant country.

When a bad thing is anounced, the players have one turn to deal with it, they must bring the troops needed to get rid of the problem in the province.

So they must deal with the other player to bring some of the other groups in the province. :?

I'm thinking of a card system that announce the bad situations, this card system is balanced so all the groups get there parts of bad situations :)

If you got idea or comment about my ideas. Please feel free to help :)

Joined: 12/31/1969
Power Struggles

Sorry i erased the explanation of the rules for copyright reason :)

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Joined: 07/26/2008
Power Struggles

dr_Edge69 wrote:
Does my idea sucks or they're is some good things?

Plenty of good things! Your idea sounds like a cross between "Terra" and "Kohle, Kies & Knete/I'm the Boss!" I never played Terra, but I've heard good things about it. Kohle, Kies & Knete was just released in English as I'm the Boss, and though I'm not a big fan of the pure negotiation genre, it has a pretty good following.

In Terra, players are leaders of nations. Each player draws a "problem" card on his turn. If the player can't fix the "problem" with the cards in his hand, the probem becomes a "mega-problem," and all the other players have to deal with it. If too many mega-problems develop, the world is destroyed and everyone loses.

You may want to look at Terra's cooperative aspect for ideas about the way your players' "problems" have to be dealt with.

In I'm the Boss, players assume the identities of several different businesspeople. There is a board with a track of many possible deals, each with some businesspeople's names. A single marker is moved around the board. When it lands on a space, a "deal" can be made with the businesspeople mentioned on a space. A player can ask another player who represents a needed businessperson to be included in the deal for a share of money; or he can play cards that force the other businessperson into the deal for free.

You may want to look at the way I'm the Boss handles the identies of the different businesspeople for ideas about your farmers, priests, nobles, and soldiers.

Best of luck!

Joined: 12/31/1969
Power Struggles

Your idea sounds like a cross between "Terra" and "Kohle, Kies & Knete/I'm the Boss!"

Thank you for your advice i read the rules of these two games, just to see if it helps me and with my "problem to solve/negociation" aspect of my games.

Thanx :)

Joined: 12/31/1969
Power Struggles

Thanx for the help!

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