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"Professional" game consultants: who? how much? wo

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I'm kicking around the idea of trying to get some "professional" feedback for a board game, marketing analysis, etc. Seems there are a few individuals/companies out there who provide this service for a fee. I'm just wondering if anybody has any good/bad/beware feedback on any specific consultants, what is a reasonable fee, and possibly general comments on whether the bang might be worth the buck.

Joined: 12/31/1969
game reviewers

I paid a $75.00 fee for a web only submission. I chose the particular company since they advertised that they could design electronic components (essential to my game). I actually received some decent feedback in how the electronic piece could be used and some OOP European games that had a similar theme: although, it's nothing like my game. The company said they didn't think it was licensable but had good potential.

I never intended to use them as an agent at trying to license the game so i didn't care at their opinion. I then asked to speak with a project manager so they could help me self produce my game. I started getting bad vibes as they wouln't return calls etc. I then decided to find another company and have them make it for me. Turns out the project manager I'm working for used to work for this established company. When I asked for references, it came out that one game company had started with the first company I contacted and had a horrible experience (my vibes might be right) so I haven't looked back.

I personally think that those who charge are mainly agents deciding if they want to rep your game or not so take their comments with a grain of salt. I do feel that I got some good advice. I also now recognize a few comments that were generalized on the low end which means she didn't spend too much time researching potential manufacturing costs. If you believe you have a good solid idea, use these people as a tool and nothing more. I personally believe my game could be licensable if I choose to go that route. Time will tell :)

Good luck,
HR Puffenstuf

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
"Professional" game consultants: who? how much? wo

Be careful what you are being charged and promised for that money. We had one couple tell a horror story about a company that had them convinced that their game was great and going to make a lot of money. Unfortunately they didn’t realize that the thousands of dollars they were spending got them nothing more than a professional opinion. I wish I could find the post, I’ll keep looking. For the time being get it in writing before you shell out any real money and find out what makes them experts over say the people here at the forum. Have they produced games, developed games, etc? What games are they? Has anyone ever heard of them? Did they sell 100, 1000 or 100,000 of them. If they can’t answer to your satisfaction they are just hucksters out for your buck.

Joined: 12/31/1969

Hello Are these people any good do you know as I need a prototype doing
and $250-$300 sound pretty good.
OR perhaps you know some others

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
"Professional" game consultants: who? how much? wo

I have not heard much about them good or bad. Weather you should spend the money is a matter of what you want the Prototype for?

If you are trying to get investors you might want a full mockup to show them what the game will look like when produced.

If you are submitting to publishers they will not expect a professional prototype, all you need is a playable copy of the game. It does not need to be fancy at all. The same holds true for play testing copies.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Game prototype makers

Well your right it is the workings of the game what is of interest.

I may aswell get the prototype done for sending to possible publishers.
Is not that much money and will be better than what I will conjure up.


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Joined: 07/26/2008
Re: Game prototype makers

boardgamegeezer wrote:

I may aswell get the prototype done for sending to possible publishers.
Is not that much money and will be better than what I will conjure up.

You do realize that most publishers do not send back prototypes and getting a game published is an against the odds sort of thing. You might need to send your game to several publishers before you license it. Are you willing to bet $250 + shipping every time you want to show it to someone.

What are you using for your play testing? If it’s good enough for that odds are it is good enough for the publishers to see what potential it has; after all that is what they do for a living.

Then again it would be cool to have your own copy of a game even if it never gets published.

Joined: 12/31/1969

Oh playtesting is done.

Publishers some of them do send prototypes back cost free as I have just had one and a dice game sent off to USA.
I offrered to pay return post but they said do not worry about that they will send it back.
P.S I have been interested in board games for 20 years.
Vintage you know.

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