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Repeating Rules

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Gamebot's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008

What are your opinions on repeating rules in the rule book? One the one hand, I want to streamline the rules as much as possible. On the other hand, I'd like to reinforce rules when I can by quoting other related rules. I keep going back and forth on this matter.

One other issue is that I currently can fit my rules on one sheet of paper. When I add reinforcing rules I go a little bit over.


Jebbou's picture
Joined: 07/29/2008
Repeating Rules

Repeating the rules would rather annoy me.

You could do like one of the last version of settlers of Catan. You highlight some words in bold, and after describing the rules, you can have a section where all "keywords" are defined.

Also, you could have examples that by showing off lastly described rules, also incorporate previous elements.


Joined: 09/06/2011
Repeating Rules

I think in the case of one page of rules it is better to streamline the rules rather then repeat them. It not like the player will have to flip to other pages in the book :)

I generally find it confusing when things are repeated verbatim - I find it breaks the flow of my understanding as I stop and consider "Didn't I just read this?" "Why is it being repeated?" "Is it the same, or is another point being made?"

Rules can be reinforced without repetition. Without repetition there will be no question about where to go to get the complete rule on a particular scenario.

If you are worried about your rules might I suggest you post them to the forum. One thing that BGDF is really good for is peer review of rules.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Repeating Rules

I have to agree with Jeb, When in doubt, show them don't tell them.

Use Examples of Play that incorporate all of the "sticky" rules that you think players might have trouble with. This way they see it all come together, and get reminded of previous rules. Not only this, but you can even head off some of the tough questions you figure the players are likely to have.

If you want to keep your rules to just one page, maybe include a second page which is only a few rounds of a sample game played out, with all your hard rules packed into it.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Repeating Rules

It's nice that your rules are short and fit on one page, but it shouldn't be a goal in itself. If you need a tiny font and need to leave out examples to be able to cram the rules on one page, then that is not a good thing. If you need more space to show examples or to better explain the rules, then do so. Two pages of rules, including examples, is still very short!

It's not a good idea to explicitly repeat rules. As jwalduck pointed out, it may cause confusion. Sometimes, however, when explaining a certain rule, you may want to remind the reader of an earlier rule, but be very clear that is a repetition of an earlier stated rule. Example: "Whenever you draw a black card from the display of face up cards, you score points equal to the number of palaces you have built in the corresponding province. Remember, you may only draw a black card from the display of face up cards when you have at least 10 gold.")

What you can also do is provide a player aid with a summary of the rules, or add an paragraph at the end of the rulebook where you provide a summary of the rules.

Gamebot's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
Repeating Rules

Thanks for your advice! You've reinforced some of what I've been thinking. I don't have any examples in my rules, and I think that adding some will allow me to reinforce rules without neccessarily repeating them.

I'll post my rules in a few weeks once I've gotten a few more playtests in.

Hedge-o-Matic's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
Repeating Rules

A picture is work a thousand words, when it comes to rules. I write a clear text version of my rules, and, when people can playtest with just the written explanation, I add examples and diagrams, so I know that these will just add to the understanding, rather than shore up weak text. This makes my rules bloat to about four to six times their prior length, as pictures displace a huge amount of text, after all of the column shifts and stuff to avoid orphaned words and sentences. This is a far more effective method than repetition of the rules. As has been stated above, rules can be "re-enacted" within examples.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Repeating Rules

On my point of view, the rule book has 2 functions :

1- Teach the rules of the game
2- Read later as a reference book

In my game, I decide to split those 2 function. The book that teach can sometime repeat some rules and display elaborate example. While the reference book shoot the rules clearly one after another without develloping.

If you want to reapeat rules, you can place some remeinders in the margin of the rule book. In the "Duel Master" rule book, there is some box on the side that day "Did you know that you can..." "Remember that you can't ...", etc.

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