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Suggestions for pathways on a Tile

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Joined: 12/31/1969


I am currently working a game light wargame that uses tiles as territories. They are plain tiles with either the color of grass, water, or a certain resource painted on to them.

I am trying to think of an innovative way to introduce a "pathway" on to them. Something like the tiles in Carcassone. Although I would like the way there are set up to have spaces on them (I was thinking 6 or so)

An example:
The tiles would be 3in". On it would be 4 spaces that the players could move on (grass) and 1 space that a building could be built on. The 4 smaller spaces would have a line that connects both to 2 spaces on the tile, and touching the edge. That is where you could connect the tiles.

Also would you like to play a wargame that makes you follow a path?


[Edit: The main idea is suggestions so I changed the name]

Joined: 07/22/2008
Prior art.

I've heard you mention Brykovian's Battle of Bluntrock elsewhere, and I wanted to check it out but couldn't find it. Following up on this query helped me realize it's a new title for his Expansionism, which I had run across in the GDW archives. So Im sure you've already seen this, but maybe to give others some more context for a jumping-off point:

Brykovian (in Expansionism Rules) wrote:
Map Tiles
The map the game is played on will be constructed by the players out of 3-inch square tiles. The pattern on the tile looks like this:

The small (half-inch) white squares make up the pathways the Armies can travel on. The dark/cloudy one-inch square in the middle is where a Base marker is placed during the game.
Quoted PDF Rules here (including the missing image):

That idea was evolved in the GDW...

Brykovian wrote:
... I could remove all of the inner squares on the tile and just keep the 8 squares around the outer edge. (I'll even switch the larger Base square in the middle to a circle to make things easier for terminology.) Then a "distance" of "1" will be either moving from your current square to any other square on the same territory, or moving from your current square to the adjacent square on a neighboring tile.

...and it is illustrated (in 8-, 6-, and 4-square versions) with spiffy graphics here:

I don't have any innovative ideas of my own to contribute here, but if the ideas in the GDW were evolved further, I'd be interested in a pointer...

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