Just wanted to get a little brainstorming or discussion going about game themes. It seems that some themes come in "bursts" -- where a theme suddenly gets hot and piques the collective gaming community, and you quickly see dozens of games with a similar theme, but the theme lacks long term appeal. Meanwhile, other solid themes stand the test of time and will always see games produced, although there may be considerable clutter within a certain thematic area.
What sorts of themes do you think are hot and trendy right now?
I'd have to say that hot themes right now would be:
- Super Heroes
- Fantasy (which will never get old)
- Orient/Samurai
What sorts of themes do you think are getting overdone, or are close to fading out?
Me? I think some themes have been overdone, or are slowly running out of steam...
- Pirates. Too many in too short a time frame, and too few really solid games with the theme.
- The Renaissance. Be it war, bidding, politics, I think this may fade soon, but resurface reguarly.
Baffled is an understatement. With 600+ returns on that search, only slightly fewer when narrowed down, I thought it was fairly hard to find current threads on this particular topic -- especially with how quickly tastes and trends can change.
When I tried to narrow the search down by requiring all three key words "over done themes" I still get 200+ entries, which include such topics as:
Sending a prototype for blind test.
[Review] Turn the Tide
Game design (with peculiar auctions, scoring, & tile-lay
What about borrowing from 2 games?
Etc... Not so easy a task as I had first thought! :)