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Trivia Board Game: Mechanics idea requested

3 replies [Last post]

I attempted to create a trivia board game and I have realized that its much tougher than I originally planned. All I have is the questions (4 catagories). The only successful mechanic I have found is Trivia Pursuit. I'm trying to make the game for a bunch of non-gamers so I am looking for something simple but fun.

1. Can anyone give me some ideas on what type of mechanics I can use?

2. I went to the store and looked at trivia games and noticed that many of them don't have boards. Obviously, this reduces the cost of the production so I have been the cost of game boardgame really necessary for a Trivia Game? I would like to hear your thoughts about this as well.

thanks in advance


Joined: 07/31/2008
Trivia Board Game: Mechanics idea requested

What sort of mechanics? Well, almost anything. Look at the following list for 'typical' mechanics', of which many might work ...

For example, you could consider an auction mechanic, where people bid on categories, or even specific questions ...

Or use cards where you use the cards in your hand to determine what questions you have to ask (or be asked) ... such as play a card of a given category to get a question from that category and play two cards of that category for an 'easier' question.

Trivia Board Game: Mechanics idea requested

Awesome. Thank you.

Trivia Board Game: Mechanics idea requested

The topic of trivia game mechanics has been discussed elsewhere on this site (namely here). Try the search feature for some more ideas.

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