I am very interested in doing a card game, but was wondering if there might be some new ways of presenting this kind of format floating around out there. Some ideas I've thought of are: standard cards but round, card information printed on plastic (like credit cards) metal cards (yep they have those too) and fixed to wood or heavy plastic (whatever they make backgamon pieces out of). Anyway, I'd appreciate any information you might have.
Well, there is nothing wrong with normal cards of course. And I understand what your saying about coming off as a gimic. That said, there seems to be some pre-concieved notions that buyers have for card games. Some of those notions come from the types of themes and illustrations buyers expect to find on them. If I was going to produce a card game related to romance, for instance, I think a round card could be kind of neat (even heart shaped). Round might allow the cards to be sold in a neat container as well. Now, if I used round cards, I'd hate for the buyer to be thinking "Magic the Gathering" subconsiously.
Also, the wieght associated with plastic might be better for a card like game, where cards are thrown around like poker chips. Metal cards I could see working well with a financial board room type game. Sure all three could be done with normal cards, and for less. But why not try to investigate a broader look, esp. if it already exists in other venues.
And remember the old saying "we buy with our eyes first". There is nothing wrong with gimmic as long as the game is solid and the gimmic appropriate to the target.