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What do you think?

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Joined: 12/31/1969

I just thought of a new idea for a game and before I'm starting to get into to it I wanted to ask what do you all think about it. The game's theme is simple each player is a horse rider that loves gambeling on horses.

In the the game there will be 5 turns (mabye more probably not less) that each 1 is currently planned to be seperated to 2 phases. Phase 1: gambeling. Phase 2: racing.


When you gambel you have 2 options to gambel; with other players or with the board. I want to encourage players to gambel between themselves so you'll win much more money (of course from the losing player, not from the bank) when you won a gambeling againts other player. When you are gambeling there will be certain rules that will make the riskier betts better. So if I bet that a horse X is going to be in first place I'll earn much more if I win then when I gambeled that he'll be either first or second place. I want to make many gambel options (like horse X will be first or last) to make gambeling more interesting. When you gambel with other player both may gambel as long as they don't say the same statement. So if both wanna say horse X will be first then they can't gambel but if 1 says horse X will be first place and other players says horse X is going to be in the last place it's ok. Again winning againts other player rewards you more money. Note: it's ok that a player gambel on other horse (not his) and then he'll probably want to help/hurt him. actaully play X and player Y can gambel on player Z (X says first place Y says last place). So player X will want to help player Z and player Y would want to hurt play Z and player Z might gambeled on player A so he might help player A and not himself.

Racing is the other part of the game and proably will be longer then the gambeling phase. I still didn't decide how it will work. Until now I figured just a few things. You win money(not Vc) if you win the race, so saving money can be a good strategy. You can effect other horses and the race will advance by cards and in order to play cards you'll need to pay money So if you waste too much money you lost money intead of gaining money. That's all I planned until now.

Well that the basic idea of the game, any thought? (By the way i'll probably want to make it a 1.5-2h game not more).


Joined: 12/31/1969
What do you think?

Few things that weren't too clear:
1. After 5 turns the player with the most money wins.
2. Druing the race you can effect other horses and not only yours (by using the right cards).
3. after each race player loses/wins the money he gambel on.

Few strategies that i want the they will be in the game:
1. Becuase winning a race rewards you money if you spend too much money winning it won't worth it (players get money after races depending how good they did).
2. I want that in the game players will sometime want other player to win the race, not themselves (they might gambeled a lot of money on him).
3. Of course there should be a racing strategy (what card to play when etc.)


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