Is it just the competition with someone else? The feeling of testing your skill/intellegence? Or are there certain things necessary for a good game?
I can see how if it is too complicated it lessens the enjoyability. However I like deep games.
Right now I am finishing up my game design and heading towards production, and wondering what the best ways to weed out things that don't make the game fun. Is playtesting the game the main way to go about it?
I like Zaiga's (or whoevers it is) idea of 3-dimensions of complexity.
I am trying to maximize the 3rd in my game without too much of the 1st or 2nd.
I really love playing games where you come up with a stratagy and are able to carry it out. However more choices (2nd dimension) doesn't always increase the number of possible stratagies.
So what I have been working on for the past month is trying to keep the fun elements while getting rid of things I thought I needed but only add more rules.
Another thing I thinking about is how much I should worry about minimizing chance. I wan't replayability, I think it is a necessity, but I don't want too many games where the main reason why you lost is because you were unlucky. Any thoughts on this?