Hi all !
Right now I'm preparing my second game (www.geocities.com/islandofd).
The game is in final playtesting form and I'm starting to finish the rulebook.
Well, then the 'feeling' comes back again (like when I write the rulebook for my first game). Everytime I re-read the rules, I ALWAYS makes changes here and there. Even if it looks OK, I'm pretty sure I will change something tomorrow.
(This is the time where I found that my first game rulebooks looks terrible, then I re-write it !).
(and I remember when I made my final assignment in university, never get enough of fixing everything !)
I use the standard breakdown of rules as suggested by many designers. And of course, I want to make the best of the rulebook (as clear and as easy to understand as possible).
So here's the question :
1. do you feel the same ?
2. when is the right time to say"ok, this is enough' for rulebook ?
Well, maybe this is just a sign that my 'rulebook writing' skill has gone up a level. :)
Hi all !!
Thanks for the replay !
I'm glad I'm not the only one :D
Here's the rules break down I do :
1. Introduction (usually the story / theme)
2. The Mission (or Game Objective)
3. Components & general explanations what each components will do in the game
4. Gameplay (this is the main part, how to play, and an explanation of each phase/turn of game play)
5. Special conditions : any special cases that need explanation explains here.
6. Win/Lose condition (more detailed than in 2), and scoring
7. FAQ (if any)
8. Game credits
And here's how I write the rules :
1. start writing the rulebook in the middle of the game's platesting process. Write everything first (agree with Hpox !)
2. Playtest some more then upgrade your rules (usually the rule will evolve as the game evolve).
3. Reread the rules, upgrade the rules.
Repeat step 2 and 3 as long as you can :D
This is why I open this Topic. When is the time we say 'ok, this is enough' because it seems it's a long-dark tunnel here :D
Any sharing are welcome !
To Dete : OK, I will add your link to mine. You can add mine to yours.
To Hpox : thanks for the coloring of Island Of D cover !!