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Game : Secret move

3 replies [Last post]

Hi everybody

I submitted this game to about contest 2005.
It did not succeed. So I want just to know wHat do you think about to improve it.
The game is designed to be played as computer game.

Thanks for your comments



Secret-move is two player-game based on deduction and strategy.
By analyzing the movesat the endgame, you may guess which numbers your
opponent was hiding.
The game is built on a dilemma : if you try to score better, you then give
more information to your opponent. So, you have to win more points than your opponent and at the
same time to keep secret your choosen numbers.

Duration : 45 minutes

Age : more than 15

Components :

Two boards (4x4)
54 stones (2x27 two colors)
12 flat pieces (2x6 two colors)
Each set of the six is numbered from 0 to 5 on one side.
Note pad and pencil to record all the moves and the secret board


The player who scores 27 points more than his opponent is the winner. But
if the difference between the scorings is less than 27, the winner is the one
to discover the right numbers onto his opponent board.


- Players choose their color and place their six pieces, side numbered
down,each one on his own board (see setup.jpg).

- On each of their nine squares they place three stones. (Edited because of mistake read three not nine, sorry)

- Players calculate in a secretive way the sum of their secret numbers

Play rules


- Players take turns moving stones from square to square.

- Each player record each move. This step is not
necessary if the game is a software

- One move per turn : each turn, players choose ONLY 2 squares : starting
and ending. Players move stones (1 or 2 or 3 or even more) from starting square to ending square
under conditions :

1. The ending number has to be greater than the starting number
2. Moving stones is allowed only for adjacent square. No jumping (moves like the
chess king )
3. At each turn, moved stones number has to be less or equal to the
difference between the two numbers. As example : if you are allowed to move only 1 stone from one
square (3) to another (4), it is NOT ILLEGAL to do it using three moves
(but don't forget the limited number of turns).
4. The number of the moves is limited to ten per player. If any of the
players stop moving by passing his turn, he is not allowed later to use
his right to move, even if it is less than 10.

End game

- When no move is possible, then players calculate their own scoring by
multiplying the stone's number by the number on each square. This step is not necessary if the game is a

- Players say their scoring. First to reveal it the player who played
before the last move. If the difference between their scoring is higher than 27,
the winner is the one who scores more (only after checking illegal moves).
This step is not necessary if the game is a software

- If not (difference less than 27 or equal to 27), players analyze the
moves record to find out opponent's numbers. Each player writes on a paper the
location and the nine guessed numbers.

WARNING : the guessed numbers are those inside the board (A1-C3), they
vary from 1 to at most 9,
NOT the numbers written on pieces.

Players show each other their guess and unveil their secret numbers by
flipping all the 12 pieces. Each one checks wrong and right numbers if

Three steps to declare the winner:

1. Players check the moves record. The one who made illegal move loose
(mistake or cheat). If the two made illegal moves, then it is a tie (it
could happen for beginners). If no one made illegal move, then step 2.This
step is not necessary if the game is a software

2. If the two players fail or succeed to guess the secret numbers at the
same time, then the winner is the one who scored better.

3. If one of them fails, then the winner is the one who succeed guessing
the right numbers no matter what the score is.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: Game : Secret move

gamind wrote:
Hi everybody

I submitted this game to about contest 2005.
It did not succeed.

Hey Gamind,

Where did you find the contest results? I've been checking the site and couldn't locate them.



Re: Game : Secret move

Kreitler wrote:
gamind wrote:
Hi everybody

I submitted this game to about contest 2005.
It did not succeed.

Hey Gamind,

Where did you find the contest results? I've been checking the site and couldn't locate them.



I found it here.
You have to register as guest to enter.


"I hope to finish the coding and post all of the finalists tomorrow morning, but as promised -- with about 55 minutes to spare here on the east coast -- here's the list of finalists in the 2005 Deduction Game Design Competition:

Coup D'Etat, designed by Scott DeMers
Decipher, designed by Zach and Amanda Greenvoss
Depth Charge, designed by David E. Whitcher
Don-Cha, designed by Mike Petty
Double Blind, designed by Bruce Glassco
Forsooth, designed by Mitchell H. Allen
Green Pipe, designed by Felix Lee
Hexagonal Black Box, designed by Eric W. Solomon
Hide and Guess, designed by Heinrich Glumpler
Jewels in the Sand, designed by Stanley E. Anderson
Liar!, designed by René Wiersma
Robot Maze Race, designed by Tim Mayse-Lillig


Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: Game : Secret move

Thanks, Gamind!


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