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IngredientX's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

I got back from Stephen Glenn's PowWow last night. It was fantastic; from what I could see, most designers were able to get at least two of their designs tested. I brought Body Parts and Wag the Wolf, both of which got good feedback. Body Parts, in fact, has changed dramatically. I'll post details in its own thread later today, but I've sliced out at least three-quarters of the rules.

It was also great to meet and work with more established designers. I got to playtest games from Stephen and Kory Heath, and I played a few games with Alan Moon, though I didn't get to playtest anything of his. All were fantastic to meet and play with. They're also clearly working at a much higher level than me. But I'm working on that...

I got to meet a lot of people whose posts I read on this and other forums. I think the most frequent poster I met was Torrent, who gave some great feedback and was fun to hang out with.

The only bummer is that after a seven-hour drive home and a full night of sleep, I'm not ready to enter the "real world" again... I have so much work to do on my games! :p

Joined: 12/31/1969

Body Parts, in fact, has changed dramatically. I'll post details in its own thread later today, but I've sliced out at least three-quarters of the rules.

Cool :) i'm really waiting for the new version
I'm not ready to enter the "real world" again... I have so much work to do on my games! :p

Coool I'm not the only one can't stop thinking about game creation all the time :) it's starting to ruin my life ;) hihhi

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008

dr_Edge69 wrote:
Coool I'm not the only one can't stop thinking about game creation all the time :) it's starting to ruin my life ;) hihhi



IngredientX wrote:
I got back from Stephen Glenn's PowWow last night. It was fantastic; from what I could see, most designers were able to get at least two of their designs tested.

Very cool!! How many designers were there? BGDF members?

...and I played a few games with Alan Moon, though I didn't get to playtest anything of his.

Did you get to playtest any of your games with Alan or any other more established designers?

All were fantastic to meet and play with. They're also clearly working at a much higher level than me.

That's how I felt at the Albany playtest!! : )

I'm hoping to make it to next year's Pow Wow, it sounds like a great time!

Joined: 08/23/2008

That's cool! I felt the same way when I got back from Protospiel, filled with ideas on how to work on and change my games, but now without so many eager playtesters. It was amazing to see other designs from the perspective of a playtester, and be surrounded by people speaking the same language of mechanics, theme, etc.

I wish I could have gone to PowWow, I know some people were going to try to go to both, like Dominic, Kes and Kory. Glad you got some great feedback, and look forward to seeing the new version of Body Parts.


Re: PowWow

Gil Wrote:

> I got back from Stephen Glenn's PowWow last night. It was fantastic;
> from what I could see, most designers were able to get at least two of
> their designs tested. I brought Body Parts and Wag the Wolf, both of
> which got good feedback. Body Parts, in fact, has changed
> dramatically. I'll post details in its own thread later today, but I've
> sliced out at least three-quarters of the rules.

Thanks for the kind words, Gil. I agree -- I had a fantastic time and the feedback I got from the participants was 99% positive. The hotel was superb and very accomodating.

> It was also great to meet and work with more established designers. I
> got to playtest games from Stephen and Kory Heath

I think the only one you played of mine was "The Creature From Uranus." That was the 1% of the feedback that wasn't positive :) (Uno meets Werewolf...?)

My "Lupo the Wolf" and "Iago" got much better receptions. I'm very excited about both of them.

Kory Heath presented a design that he'd been working on for only about two weeks. Tentatively titled, "5th & Main", it was the unspoken hit of the week. It was one of those creations that seemed more "discovered" than designed due to the simple beauty of the rules and gameplay. I loved it instantly.

> and I played a few games with Alan Moon, though I didn't get to
> playtest anything of his.

He brought one version of a Ticket To Ride expansion he's working on. Of course, I can't say anything about it, other than I liked it MUCH better than the original. Good stuff ahead, folks.
Alan lamented later that he'd only brought the one design.

> I have so much work to do on my games!

Gil, your "Body Parts" was one of the more pleasant surprises of the week.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Re: PowWow

Snoop wrote:

Thanks for the kind words, Gil. I agree -- I had a fantastic time and the feedback I got from the participants was 99% positive. The hotel was superb and very accomodating.


What was the turnout like? I can't wait until next year.


IngredientX's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Re: PowWow

Snoop wrote:

Thanks for the kind words, Gil. I agree -- I had a fantastic time and the feedback I got from the participants was 99% positive. The hotel was superb and very accomodating.

The hotel was very good. It was also withing walking distance to several varied restaurants, and Alan said the airport was only five minutes away. Next year, I think I'm just going to fly in... this seven-hour-drive business is a little too much for me!

I was expecting to have only one game on the table, maybe two if I was lucky. I wound up with three playtests! Obviously, if more people show up, this may not be the case; but the fact that there is no schedule (our 10:00 Saturday Spy Master appointment notwithstanding) means that playtesting happens from early in the morning to the middle of the night. Fantastic stuff.

I think the only one you played of mine was "The Creature From Uranus." That was the 1% of the feedback that wasn't positive :) (Uno meets Werewolf...?)

LOL... This probably belongs in a different thread, but if you remove the player elimination aspect of the game, I think it wouldn't be too bad! There aren't enough good 6- or 7-player card games out there. Bang!, 6 Nimmit, and Citadels come to mind, but there's lots of room in the genre. Creature from Uranus isn't deep, but I could see it working.

Kory Heath presented a design that he'd been working on for only about two weeks. Tentatively titled, "5th & Main", it was the unspoken hit of the week. It was one of those creations that seemed more "discovered" than designed due to the simple beauty of the rules and gameplay. I loved it instantly.

Ahh, so that's what the game is called! Agreed, that was an absolute gem. Very simple, very tense.


Gil, your "Body Parts" was one of the more pleasant surprises of the week.

That's more a case of good timing on your part than anything else. As Torrent can attest, it was a much bulkier game on Friday night. The Albany folks will probably be very surprised to see the new, slimmed-down ruleset... :)

Re: PowWow

IngredientX wrote:
I got back from Stephen Glenn's PowWow last night. It was fantastic; from what I could see, most designers were able to get at least two of their designs tested.

Sounds like an excellent event. If I get it in the diary in advance and can afford it, I may try and fly over for next year's, and have a holiday in the United States around it.

Perhaps there might be enough interest in the UK for something (on a far smaller scale) here. I think David might be interested, and we'd then only need a couple of others to make it worthwhile for a day of 4-player prototypes?


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