...at least for me. Last prototype I made, we had a drink spill during the playtest, wreaking havoc on a few of the tiles I made with cardstock (the ink runs and paper warps, no good), so this time I decided to try and laminate.
I found some clear contact transparecy paper at the hardware store, covered the cardstock, smoothed it out with a spoon, cut out the cards with the paper-cutter, and things look great. I try to use the corner-rounder, and not only will it not cut through the laminate (it cuts the paper, just not the bottom layer of laminate), the pressure pulls the laminate a little bit away from the corner making it start to peel.
Has this happened to anyone else, or am I doing something wrong? I finished them off with scissors, and except for the peeling they look fine, but I think on the next ones I'll cut everything out first, even corners, then coat them with laminate and cut around the edges with an exacto knife.
I'll have to check out those Xyron laminators, they sound cool. Thanks!
As for cutting and corner-rounding first, then coating with contact paper, this proved extremely tedious, and I ended up using scissors on the whole lot. Bleh.
Maybe it's just my contact paper; it's glossy and kind of stretchable instead of the matte finish I thought I was buying...