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Painting / Staining / Dying wood?

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Joined: 12/20/2010

Anyone have any suggestions for making wood cubes/sticks etc. different colours in a way that's quick, long lasting, and makes for a good differential between colours?

I've painted them with acrylic craft paint, but the paint is quite thick and tacky.

I've tried regular wood stain with good effect, but I'd like yellow, green, purple, etc. and can't seem to find the wackier colours.

I've heard that the pieces that come with most German games are dyed rather than painted or stained, but I have no experience with dying wood.

Any hints?

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Painting / Staining / Dying wood?

Would something like this work for yellow?

Not sure where you are located but this yellow wood stain came from Home Depot. I also have a green and Red stain. All work well and are good color, though you might need to apply 2 coats just to deepen the color. I was even able to mix my red and yellow to make a good orange!

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Painting / Staining / Dying wood?

Here is a previous thread about the stains:

Older Staind Thread

Joined: 12/20/2010
Painting / Staining / Dying wood?

Thanks a bunch - I live in Canada and have checked out our Home Depots and was never able to find anything of an odd colour, but I haven't looked much lately.

Thanks also for the other link (as opposed to telling me to use the search function haha which I should have...) - the finishing methods listed by Bryanna should come in handy.

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