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Protective Spray for Laser Printed Graphics

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Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008

Hey ya'll,

I am currently designing the components for a game that will be printed on a colour laser printer onto A4 sticker labels, then stuck onto pretty heavyish card, then cut out.

This is just for a prototype, but a fairly high quality one, and I want to know if there is any suitable spray I can use to spray the printoutw when attached to the card, to help protect the images from scratching.

I am sure I can find something in a craft store, but it would be good to know if anyone has used any particualr spray that works well. I would hate to buy something that would smudge or alter the print out once its done.

Also, I am in London, UK...



Joined: 11/26/2011
Protective Spray for Laser Printed Graphics
Joined: 12/31/1969
Protective Spray for Laser Printed Graphics

PM adagio_burner (Andrei Burago). He uses such a process to good effect in his hand-produced "Conquest of the Fallen Lands" game. He will be able to specify his exact method for you, I'm sure.


Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008
Protective Spray for Laser Printed Graphics

Cheers Limester, I'll do that...

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