It's official, the theme for the first CGD will be Spelunking. Now let's start getting into more details.
While I know that it's not realistic to discuss theme without discussing mechanics and it's probably not a good idea to discuss mechanics without discussing theme (if we want them to match up, anyway), I'd like us to try to focus on the theme itself for a bit.
There have been quite a few different takes on the idea of spelunking in the initial brainstorming thread, so it seems like it's worthwhile to try to narrow that down a bit. Ideas from the thread include a kind of "natural cave exploration" theme, a "Raiders of the Lost Ark" theme, and a Jules Verne "Journey to the Center/Interior of the Earth" theme, among several others.
Which parts of those and other ideas appeal to you and why? How might they make a good game? Without getting into detailed mechanics, how will the theme support fun mechanics (or vice versa)? If there's a particular idea that you like among the "sub-themes," what are some of its elements and how would they be part of a game?
Let's focus on these and related ideas for a while, and then we'll move more deeply into mechanics and getting it all to work together practically.
I'd like to again stress let's stay away from mechanics, please, other than as minor references. Let's talk about the theme a bit, first.