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Discussion: obstacle system

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Joined: 04/23/2013

Ok folks. I think we may have another vote on our hand. Sedj is leaning towards a 'micro-rpg' sort of game system where players have stats in certain abilities and rolls are made to determine success / failure. Equipment would raise players success rate. Obstacles would have a varying degree of difficulty.

I was envisioning a more strategy style game with no dice rolls; a game where success/failure was determined only whether you had the necessary equipment to overcome the obstacle.

I really don't care either way, but I want folks to be focused on the same thing before we move on.

So let's discuss the pros and cons of both for a bit and then we'll take a vote.


Joined: 06/22/2010
Discussion: obstacle system

I was considering bringing up using a d20 dice set just because it might be fun to play with them, but I didn't think it would work well in this game. I didn't see any referrence to Seth's suggestion, but it sounds interesting.

The mini-RPG idea sounds good because I like the idea of an RPG, it just seems very daunthing figuring out where to get started with one (especially since I don't know a group of people who are interested).

At first thought, it doesn't sound appropriate for the game we're working on, but Seth and I usually seem to agree, so I'm looking forward to hearing about it in his own words.


Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Discussion: obstacle system

On the whole I'd prefer an AP style of system, which then allows a whole range of different choices to the player, from hurrying through the cave as fast as possible to lingering and discovering extra things.
That way, obstacles can add to the AP requiremnt and equipment can reduce the AP requirement for various tasks.

This seems the simplest solution to the problem, albeit one that leads us towards a game that resembles too many others! (Which is why I support the "one pawn per player" system so that it doesn't resemble the "teams" in Tikal :))

I feel that adding dice rolling to a game can introduce a level of randomness that distorts things unless it is smoothed out over the whole game - if you are rolling two dice then you need to be taking 36 rolls to even start getting a fair spread. It's a different issue with one die, of course, byt then the "granularity" of the results is somewhat coarser.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Action Points

I think I'd prefer the action point system too. That sounds like a nice, non random way of doing it. If we decided we wanted each explorer to have different abilities, then each explorer might have a set # of 'free' action points when attempting that action.

Say my explorer encountered a cave-in: The cave-in requires 10 actions points to get 'around' it. Ok, my explorer's digging skill is 3 and I have a shovel (which has a digging rating of 4). So 10-3(my digging skill)-4(my shovel)=3. So I would need to spend 3 APs from my 'pool' to get past the cave in. Not a bad system! I like it!

Oracle, you said:


The mini-RPG idea sounds good because I like the idea of an RPG, it just seems very daunthing figuring out where to get started with one (especially since I don't know a group of people who are interested).

By mini-rpg system I don't mean a system where you actually role play, by that I meant a system where you have a system of success/failure determined by 'character' skills weighed against the difficulty of the task. I'm not sure how you are interpreting this.


Joined: 06/22/2010
Re: Action Points

Darkehorse wrote:
By mini-rpg system I don't mean a system where you actually role play, by that I meant a system where you have a system of success/failure determined by 'character' skills weighed against the difficulty of the task. I'm not sure how you are interpreting this.

I think I'm interpreting it more or less as you said (and that's probably because of my lack of knowledge of the RPG genre).

To clarify what I said before about dice. I do think it's a bad idea to use them because it will add too much randomness.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Discussion: obstacle system

I don't think we need Dice in this game.

Joined: 04/23/2013

Ahh a consensus! To coin a phrase then, "No Dice!" Do you guys like the Action Point idea?


sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: Great!

Darkehorse wrote:
Ahh a consensus! To coin a phrase then, "No Dice!" Do you guys like the Action Point idea?

Re: "No dice"... LOL!

Re: APs... I'm not sold. I have to think about it a bit. It certainly sounds doable. Anyone want to compile pros and cons for that? I had originally thought there wouldn't be AP's... you would move to a square and either draw a card or don't (as appropriate). Then, if directed by the card you do something like Lose a Turn (obstacle), Move back a ways (encoutner), take this card in front of you, it helps vs THIS type of encounter or THAT type of obstacle (equipment), or Score (Feature- this would probably also stay in front of you till later).

- Seth

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Discussion: obstacle system

The reason I like APs is that it makes it possible to have a subtle granularity without the inherent randomness of dice. This means that for instance you can have major and minor cave-ins, both of which would delay explorers, but they would require different levels of AP to pass (and, as Darke suggests) if there were skills or equipment applicable, that would reduce the APs needed.

Whereas simply having a "cave-in: miss a turn" feature I think risks losing any tactical decision making.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Action Points

The more I think about Action Points the more I like it.

Scurra wrote:

The reason I like APs is that it makes it possible to have a subtle granularity without the inherent randomness of dice.

Bingo! Plus I think it will prevent situations where you simply can not accomplish something. I think in this game, there should be difficulty but not impossibility. Maybe we can implement certain rare obstacles that prevent you from overcoming them without certain equipment (I.E. grappling hook or climbing gear to scale a sheer cliff face.

It is a very versatile yet very simple system. I definitely think we should implement it in this game. However, at this point I think we need to resolve the tiles vs cards issue for the obstacle/discovery system.


Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Re: Action Points

Darkehorse wrote:
However, at this point I think we need to resolve the tiles vs cards issue for the obstacle/discovery system.

So do I :) See other thread.

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