This is an idea that I have had in the back of my mind for a long time. Finally, thanks to the GWD, I was forced to actually work it out a bit. It's a racing game with the completely unimaginitive working title of "Speedracer". I put up the rules and some pictures in a Word document. I'm interested in your opinions!
- Rene Wiersma
Well, some nice comments while I was finalizing my prototpye for the Hippodice :D
That's exactly what I was aiming for! Formula DE sounds like an interesting game, but I don't like the fact that you have to roll for movement. I wanted to come up with a game where there is still an amount of luck, but players can control how much risk they are willing to take. Personally, I think that is what racing is all about.
It's also a way of showing to other players which car you have moved. A token would work as well, but a token on the car mat might be less visible and it is just another extra component that in my opinion is not necessary.
No, they are not really necessary. Like Sedj pointed out, it could be done with 1's and 6's, but thematically it could be a bit nicer (the @ being skidmarks and the & a smoking wheel. Just making something up here folks :lol: )
All players have two cars and at the start they all have the same amount of (virtual) points (with 6 players: 12 and 1, 11 and 2, 10 and 3 etc). I think there will be a slight advantage for the cars in the lead, because they are easier to maneouver, that's why the setup round is counterclockwise, so that the players who start in the middle of the pack have the chance to have more "startplayer" phases.
Well, I always have the idea that eventually I want to sell a design, so this certainly is a concern for me and also one of the reasons I put up this game on the GWD, so that I could get a bit more feedback on this issue. I never actually played Formula DE (just read about it) or any other racing game for that matter. Is this design different enough from other racing games (the 2 cars per player, the modular setup, the simplicity of the rules, etc)? If it is not, would it help if it was not about Formula 1, but about racing carwrecks in the desert or racing with sci-fi jets in a futuristic city?
I think the design is still simple enough to be able to add another rule without making it too complex, so this is certainly an issue I will keep my eye on during playtesting. I don't want to make lane-shifting too easy, perhaps paying a hitpoint to change an extra lane would be a good idea. I also like the idea that slower cars should be able to shift lanes more easily. Perhaps if you are in gear 1-3 you may change lanes twice.
I haven't even protyped this game, so I haven't got a clue about game length. Of course, with a modular setup the players themselves can determine if the want to play a long track or a short track. Perhaps it's a good idea to include a booklet with various tracks, where different tracks need a different amount of laps to complete.
I think there is already a bit of player interaction in the game in the sense that it is possible to block opponent's cars (with some help from other cars/players, incidental or not) or to at least force them to leave their ideal line.
While there is still some room for extra rules I do not want to complicate the game too much, because I'm afraid that in that case analysis paralysis might set in, which is something to avoid, especially in a race game!
Well, I don't know many racing games that feature 2 cars per player. I think it is a good way of migitating the runaway leader problems so many race games have, because players start on a more or less equal footing with one car ahead and one in the back. Thematically it also fits, because Formule 1 teams have two cars/drivers.
Thanks for all the comments so far!
- Rene Wiersma