Hi All.
I am having a last minute crisis with the ftp system. So I have uploaded the document for 'Unification Wars' via the GDW download page, and pestered the administrators accordingly.
I hope you find something interesting in this game. The images in the document are all in black and white (to save you printer ink); really they should have bright coloured lines on dark starfields.
This is a simple multiplayer beer and pretzels war game, it has been played a few times with groups of friends with good results.
Please let me know if you think it is worth working on, or if any flaws leap out at you, or it is impossible to understand the rules, etc.
all yours.
Thank-you for all the excellent comments so far.
Darke: The images seem to take a little longer to load but they are there at the end of the document. Thank-you very much for expeditous upload.
Svan: Ship removal is all ships and represents the fact that the peace period is long compared to the war period; the old ships are obsolete and must be replaced. New colonies all start as neutral, they must be subdued.
more on your other points soon. thanks.
Jwarrend: Yah, these are some good points. The combat system is basically 'scary' in that once you commit you haven't got much say in the wide range of outcomes. Nonetheless it stops the war quickly swinging to the stronger, since the strong player is always unsure about committing his premium units to combat and losing the lead. Over the course of the campaign the advantage does go to the player who seeks out combat where he has an advantage. The Dyne system is also about the risks of commitment, since if you launch a fleet on the attack from a long way the other players have more time to react and plan accordingly. The Capitols rule does mitigate the runaway leader, it also shifts the strategic map around a bit between wars.
The Dyne is the engine that makes ships go FTL. Its taken from M. John Harrisons 'The centauri device' (nice book!) . Fighters don't have one so they can't dyne travel.