Anyway, I reckon your "12 NPCs" idea sucks. But only because that's how All for One works, so I'd be grateful if you didn't start suggesting it for everyone else.
Sorry about that- it barely crossed my mind (and not until afterwards) that the suggestion was at all like All For One. In fact, it really isn't- in your game you move any character you want, while in my idea you would be a specific Disciple... there would just be more desciples than players, so the leftovers would follow rules like Jesus, moving mindlessly around the board- their purpose would be to follow Jesus around (mayube a mechanic like the robots in Daleks- whenever Jesus moves, the Disciples move 1 step in his direction) and to either make more/less points for players (the more Disciples in the city when Jesus does X, the more/less points it's worth- interesting as with the movement idea just suggested, there would be more and more desciples with Jesus as the game goes on- could even use that as a game-end mechanism... game end triggered when all desciples are in the same city as Jesus, but that might not last long enough, and is probably a different game alltogether)
Plus I can tell you that my board gets pretty cluttered, and it's about four times bigger than Jeff's... ;)
Oh, I didn't know that. I suppose that IS a pretty big concern. Yes, I guess 13 tokens on a board would indeed necessitate a large board. Or at least a lot of spaces. Say the board were on a grid the size of a Chessboard (8x8)... that's 64 squares only 1/5 of which would have guys in them... maybe not that bad after all.
Just thinking out loud...
- Seth
And not to give any more attention to this pretty minor point, but I'll just observe that you will of course have heard of "The Settlers of Catan", "The Princes of Florence", "The Traders of Genoa", etc...