Sorry this is late, I was ready to put it up on Sunday, but didn't want to usurp Scurra's time. Then I was busy yesterday until late and I fell asleep!
In contrast to Scurra's epic game, I thought I'd take the other extreme and put up a game that is still in it's very early stages.
I have posted Flatball in my Game Journal, and commented on it with updates, and all I've really done now is compile that information (and add a little) into a rules set and posted it online:
[EDIT: These have been updated as of late Tuesday night]
Some things aren't described too well in there, for example I just relized the board isn't described at all. I imagine a Hex board which is relatively rectangular in shape with delineated End Zone at each end. The player pawns would be anything that is identifiable, from just cylindars with a number painted on, to models of people running or jumping- with bases that can have numbers on them. Rosters could have more than 5 players on them, and you could tailor your team differently each game- OR, the teams could simply have 5 generic people on them and skills could largely be defined by card play.
What I'm trying to do is capture the feel of playing frisbee without bogging down in the simulation of the sport. See my Game Journal for more information if you like:
- Seth
It might be worth noting that the subtitle does not suggest that this is the subsequent game after the penultimate board game of frisbee, but rather a board game based on Ultimate Frisbee.