So let me give you a "basic view" of my current game "Monster Keep".
Each player has a Lord, players must each have a different Lord. Lords are chosen at random at the start of the game from a pile of ten (10) cards (ergo there are 10 Lords).
The objective is to COLLECT 20 Victory Points (VPs) or have the most points after five (5) rounds.
At the start of each round, one (1) player rolls (ROLL phase) three (3) White (3d6) and one (1) Black (1d6).
Next each player draws (DRAW phase) five (5) cards from the ten (10) card "Champion" Micro Deck. These are custom decks (CCG).
Then players CHOOSE Food, Battle and Treasure "resources" based on those dice and whatever combination they prefer. Each player additionally chooses three (3) out of five (5) "Champions" and puts them in play (but hidden). The other two (2) Champions are returned to each player's "Champion" Micro Deck.
The next step is players alternate BUYING from nine (9) Factions, each vying for control of the Keep. Using your "resources" (Food, Battle and Treasure), player purchase "followers" for their "Champion's" army.
After the buy phase comes the "much anticipated" BATTLE phase. So let me stop HERE... Because this is where I need some input.
Now when players are buying (in the BUYING phase), they buy one (1) or several "followers" from that Faction. Each follower corresponds to one (1) colored cube (matching the Faction). So Red is Fire and it is the Orc Clan, or Blue is Order and it is the Humans, etc.
Each player places the cubes they bought into a pouch for their "followers". During the BATTLE phase, players randomly DRAW from their pouch and determined the winner thanks to an RPS-9 which shows which Faction has won that battle. If BOTH lose, they both get discarded. If ONE (1) wins, the other gets discarded, etc.
It's pretty simple, each player DRAWS and then they compare (against the RPS-9). Fundamentally it's as SIMPLE as this. But strategy-wise it's pretty INTENSE. In essence it's all about odds & probabilities - but LUCK of the draw is a random factor too...
All that explanation, to get to the subject of this topic: "CHAMPIONS".
See I have this "convoluted" IDEA that for example a "Red Dragon" part of the Orc Clan attacks with SIX (6) followers. And if he combats a Human "Fighter" that attacks with TWO (2) followers, that means the Dragon gets FOUR (4) FREE attacks.
So the first two attacks are defended by the "Fighter's" followers - but since he is not strong enough to COMMAND a "larger" ARMY, the Dragon gets to KILL FOUR (4) additional units/cubes from his opponent's pouch.
My question is this:
Aside from commanding a LARGER "Army" what purpose could the "Champions" serve???
I know this is SUPER-broad question... I feel the best way to answer this is with questions/feedback and see what might be the possibilities.
While I know I have done a GOOD job of describing the Game and How it plays. I'm not sure that such a vague question can be answered without discussing other ideas or questions regarding "Champions"...
So feel free to Comment/Question/Suggest things that are relevant to the topic.
Yes all Lords are vying to become "Lord of The Keep". Ergo the name: "Monster Keep".
So my thoughts were that the "Champions" would be a ten (10) card Micro Deck where players draw five (5) cards and then pick THREE (3) to command their armies.
The GOAL of this "Micro Deck" is to INJECT the game with a CCG (Collectible Card Game), so players could buy cards in an After-market scene much like Magic... Without boosters ONLY After-market card purchasing.
Many thanks.